Some Sort of Competition

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It's been a week of radio silence. A week where Jesse hasn't done anything or reacted in any way to our escape. We have heard nothing back from Nathaniel. This could either mean he's dead or he's trying to keep a low profile.

I can't believe after months of going back and forth everything is finally coming to an end. I mean, one way or another all of this is going to reach a climactic finish. We, being the good guys, will over power Jesse and make him surrender. Or Jesse, being the bad guy, will surrender to us and end this whole stupid war.

I'm mostly upset that it had to come down to this. Jesse and I were friends before all of this happened. Granted I knew that he did a lot of bad shit in his life, but haven't we all? I've killed people too. I've tortured people. I've manipulated others to get what I wanted. I've done it all. We have all made mistakes in our lives, but I haven't tried to start another world war. I haven't wanted to cause millions of deaths and destroy an entire nation.

Jesse is typically such a logical person. I have never known him to do something without a plan and a reason. He has a very meticulously thought out plan, that is now ruined because some of his key players have escaped, but I am 100 percent positive that he has a back up plan. A back up plan that he is probably putting into place right now. I just am more concerned as to how he's doing it. Is he recruiting new idols to use as his trophies. Is he taking on random, innocent people that he picked up on the street? People that he's forcing to undergo physical and mental training? Ones whose bodies he's going to change to fit his needs? Not caring whether or not they have a family... friends... anyone who cares about them? Or has he always had a back-up pair of idols sitting around in case anything happened to Ela and I? Two people he's just been keeping behind the "break in the event of an emergency" glass?

On the other hand, I cannot fathom a valid reason as to why he would want to start this war. I can't think of any reason why a sane man would want to do this. Every time we bring it up he swears he has a valid reason behind it but has never revealed it to any of us because it's "too soon". But one day we'll all "understand". I just don't know what that reason could be. Is it something superficial like he wants to rule the world? Like a basic ass 90's evil villain? Or is there a deeper-rooted reason that he's keeping to himself? Did this country do something to him? Is he trying to take vengeance out on someone who has done him wrong? Or is he using a massive tragedy as an attempt to restore peace amongst the world? To create a false sense of comradery amongst nations? To make the world have to work together in order to show that we as humans can cooperate if we are aiming towards the same goal? The same end game? One thing I know for sure is that whenever you look into his eyes you can tell that he believes he's doing something good. That he's making the right decision.

Now, Tyler's mom made him promise that if it came down to it he wouldn't kill Jesse. However, seeing how adamant Jesse is about executing this plan, I can't foresee a future outcome that doesn't involve killing him. If it comes down to it Tyler might have to choose that safety of the world over his brother's life. I honestly don't know how we are planning on talking Jesse out of this, but I know we're going to try.

Despite everything that Jesse has done to each of us, I feel like deep down inside we all want to believe that he has some good left in him. We want to believe that all of this that is happening is just the last remanence of his evil father fighting to stay alive in him. We have to believe that's the case. We have to believe that at the end of this all we can still save him. We can... we have to save him.

"What you over there thinking so hard about? I can hear your brain working from over here!" Reed called from his bed, not looking up from the work he was doing on his laptop.

"Nothing really. Just wondering what Jesse's next move is going to be, that's all." I answered nonchalantly.

"You've been pretty quiet and to yourself lately. Is something wrong?" He asked, concerned.

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