I Have a Proposition

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 My hair was still soaking wet from the swim I just took down at the pool. I had to blow off some steam after that incredibly hard test I had just taken.

"Hey Ela!" I heard someone yell over at me. I looked up and saw Vanessa walking towards me.

"Hey Vanessa!" I replied. Vanessa and I had basically every class together freshman year.

"I see you're taking advantage of this beautiful day." She said motioning to my wet hair.

"I had to go blow off some steam after that nearly impossible organic chem test we had today." I said shaking my head.

"Yea no I get it, I took that test yesterday and it was crazy." She said nodding. Vanessa has organic chem Mondays and Wednesdays and I have it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. "Anyways, Jackson and I are grabbing lunch before I head to biostatistics. Tell Jerry I say hey!" She said before running off. It was nice here at Stanford. I loved California. The people are all super nice. The campus is beyond beautiful. Yet, most importantly, I didn't have anyone try to kill me in over a year. I haven't had to hack into anything, deactivate a bomb, run for my life, break into a maximum security prison, shoot a gun, or change my identity in over a year. I really thought that I would miss the whole spy life, but that's because I didn't remember how perfectly easy it is to be normal. I had normal friends who wanted to do normal things like become a teacher and not work for the CIA. I had friends who went to normal high schools, where for fun they went to football games and didn't retrieve hidden files from an organization hidden in the mountains. I was living a normal life, a normal, happy life and boy did it feel good. Jerry and I decided, after spending 2 months in Hawaii, that Stanford was the best choice for us. Then Bri decided that she wanted to go too, she missed having a normal life but wanted to be far enough away where her parents wouldn't marry her off to that boy to better their business. Jess and Reed decided to tag along as well because they decided they've had enough of the spy life. I mean after Reed was sent to maximum security and learning that his dad was a part of a secret spy organization for years, and then was killed by those same people, you can understand why he wouldn't want to have anything to do with being a spy. As for Jess, she basically wanted to same thing as I did. She wanted to be happy and normal with the love of her life. I think we have a right to be happy and normal. I mean after years of being hunted down and nearly killed, I think I made the right decision by leaving. It's really for the best. I unlocked the door to my room; I was in a three-person suite that I shared with Jess and Bri. I guess we never really got tired of being each other's roommates. As I opened the door I saw more people in there than I had anticipated. I saw Jerry and Reed. But I also saw Jade, Dee and Jake.

"Oh my gosh guys! Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked running up and giving them all a hug. Their hugs were a little tighter than they normally are and the room was a little quieter than it normally was when we were all together. I pulled out and looked at everyone.

"What's going on?" I asked looking around.

"I'm not sure. They wanted to wait until you got here to say anything." Jess said crossing her arms.

"Speaking of which, what took you so long?" Bri asked looking up at me.

"You knew I had that test in orgo. After that I went for a swim to blow off some steam. I guess my phone was off. Then I ran into Vanessa." I said looking at her before turning to Jerry. "By the way, Vanessa says hi." I said smiling up at him before pecking his lips. He smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist and I turned to look back at the group.

"So, Ela's here. Now can you tell us what's going on?" Jerry asked pulling me closer to him.

"You guys know we wouldn't come to you with anything work related if it wasn't incredibly important..." Jade started off. Jade, Dee, and Jake work for the FBI. They are active agents who get sent out on missions pretty regularly. In fact, I was almost certain that Dee was sent on a mission right now. And they promised to respect our wishes of staying out of the spy world. So them coming to us with something work related has to be something major. "But something's happened." Jade finished looking down.

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