Welcome to the Gang

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Jerry's P.O.V.

I shot up, sweat dripping down my face and my chest on fire. I rubbed my eyes viciously before opening them slowly, to adjust to the light. I was in the white room with no windows and one door. It kind of looked like a room you'd find in a mental facility. I spun around and there was only a door in the room. My feet felt like they were freezing. As I looked down, I noticed I wasn't wearing any shoes. I also had on all white, like some type of weird uniform.

"Hey!" I yelled trying to get someone's attention. "Let me out of here." I banged on the walls and screamed until my throat hurt. "What the fuck is going on?" I mumbled to myself. This is strange. How are they watching me if there's no mirror? Maybe cameras? I searched the tiles in the walls and in the corners of the ceilings using the bed, but there was nothing.

"Can someone please explain to me what in the hell is going on? Is this another round of physical training? What are you peo-..." I started before I heard the door unlock. In one fluid movement the door swung open, someone was shoved in, and the door slammed shut once more. It was a girl and she was sobbing. She was bloody and bruised, her dress was white like my outfit. Maybe she was captured too. Maybe they have special soldiers that they are trying to train. I can try and help her.

"Hey, are you okay? How'd you get in here?" I walked slowly to her. She lifted her head and the face I saw before me shook me to my core. "Adalyn?" I asked rushing over to her. "Adalyn, my God, what did they do to you? How did they get to you?" She fell to the ground and curled up into a ball. How the hell... why the hell would they go after my ex-girlfriend. I haven't seen Adalyn since I left Paris on that man-hunt with Ela. I never thought I would ever see her again. I knew she graduated top of her class, only because I left and she had no other competition. Last I heard, she was working for the CIA. What in the world is she doing here? Was she assigned to me as a mission? Did she just come looking for me? I have no idea. None of this makes any sense, and Adalyn isn't doing much to help in this situation.

Tears ran down her face as she struggled to catch a breath through her sobs. I try to touch her but she shoves me away.

"Don't touch me!" She screams, finally saying something.

"Ady, what's wrong? Tell me what happened to you. Who did this to you?" I asked inching closer to her. She placed her hands in front of her body trying to protect herself from me.

"You!" She screeched. "You did this to me." She chocked. "You did this to me. You did this to me." She repeated as she rocked back and forth.

"Me? Ady, what did I do? Tell me what I did." I begged before her eyes met mine. Her eyes were filled with fear. I reached out for her again but she scooted herself farther into a corner.

"Get away from me! Leave me alone!" She pleaded, more tears running down her face.

"Ady, please...!" I started before I heard the door unlock, but not open. Ady's head shot towards the door. She quickly rose from the ground and sprinted out the door. "Ady, wait!" I called out as I ran after her. I busted through the door and followed her down the long white hallway. "Adalyn, stop running from me. Let's talk! Adalyn, just talk to me." I yelled, getting out of breath from the sprinting. She ran through another door that seemed to lead outdoors. I ran through the same door and saw her standing there by a cliff. Her dress was now black. It was ripped, almost to shreds. She stood near the edge of the cliff looking at me. Tears were still falling from her eyes and her face was red.

"Adalyn, can you please talk to me?" I begged. I was so confused. Why is she here? Why isn't she saying anything?

"No, you... you betrayed me! I can't trust you! I can't trust you!" She yelled before beginning to pace.

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