Picture Time

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Pitch black darkness met me as I tried to open my eyes. The feeling of itchy cloth irritated what I assumed to be a wound under my left eye. I could feel the restraints against my raw wrists and ankles. I could taste the irony rust of blood in my mouth. A fierce pain greeted me any time I would try to move a body part. Every limb felt like it was ripped off and then shoved back into place. I've been through a lot of things before, but I've never quite felt pain like this in my whole life.

Where the hell am I and how the hell did I get here? I wiggled around desperately, in the hopes that at least one of my restraints would come somewhat loose and fall off.


I stopped dead in my tracks. Sweat formed against my forehead. My hands got clammy. My heart race sped up quickly. A lump formed in my throat, as fear entered my head. There was the slam of a door somewhere around me. I stayed still, hoping, praying that they would think that I was dead, or at least still knocked out. Yet, I didn't hear any footsteps. I actually didn't hear anything at all. Only silence met my ears after that. Which means they aren't coming for me... yet. I started shaking my head furiously, trying to get the blindfold off of my eyes. I needed to see something... anything that would give me the slightest clue as to where I was. I shook harder, faster. I ignored the pain that was shooting through my skull. I ignored the tears that swelled up in my eyes. I ignored the thought in my head, telling me that it hurt too badly and I needed to stop.

This is my fight or flight instinct and I needed nothing more than my body to fight.

I needed to fight.

I have to fight.

Soon the blindfold loosened up and slipped around my neck.

Shit! The lights in my room were pretty dim, but after being in the dark for God knows how long, it was quite the painful adjustment. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them, hoping it would get better.

It didn't.

Actually, it seemed to make everything worse. Yet, there was no time to waste. It didn't matter how much pain I was in, all that mattered was getting out of whatever situation I was in. Getting out alive at least. I looked around my dark, dreary room. There were brick walls. There was water dripping from the ceiling. There was a massive, steel door that had about 5 locks on it. There were no windows, no large vents, nothing. No way out other than that door. I had a feeling, that I would never get out of that door. Only two things filled the entire room.


And the chair that I'm sitting in.

I was alone, and didn't know how long I will be alone for. I have to get out of here now. I need to fins a way to escape. There's no way that any of this is going to end well. Now, I just need to figure out how in the hell I got here and where here is. Think Tyler think! Think back to what the last thing you did before today. Whenever today is. Just think, what was the last thing you did?

I looked around my mother's house trying to take it all in. It's been an entire year of me being in contact with her, and this is my 6th trip to visit her. Yet, I can't help but feel like this is all a dream. It's almost like I'm waiting for the day that this is all going to disappear like it was just a vapor in the wind. I'm waiting for the moment when I wake up and she's dead again, and none of this, none of this year was real. It's funny though. I lost one parent and then got one back. It's like I'm really not meant to be an orphan. Not like I'm complaining though. It's just part of my insecurity I guess. I'm just afraid that me finding my mother is just a way for me to cope with the death of my father. It's hard. I really never knew the man. I've hated him for most of my life for a crime he never committed. I hated him for trying to protect me. I hated him for all the wrong reasons. I know he was a bad man, but his intentions were good. This all started with him wanting to protect his family then it all went downhill from there. I mean.... I know how hard it is to fight corruption. Maybe after loosing his wife and loosing his son he didn't have the will power to fight off the corruption. Or maybe he was so desperate to protect us that he basically sold his soul and became the devil. Yet... towards the end... towards the end he seemed to be different. Maybe he saw that his world was falling apart around him and there was no point in keeping up this charade. Maybe he just got tired of the act and just broke. I know what it's like to be broken and feel like you've lost everything. I know what it's like to have no more hope. I know... am I defending him?

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