I Do Not Care If You Shipped Him To The Bermuda Triangle

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(*Jerry P.O.V*)

Sweat glued my sheets to my back. Thoughts scattered in my head drifting me into a nightmarish frenzy. My dreams paralyzed my body even though I felt very much awake. I didn't know what to do.




The pounding on the door jolted me awake. I couldn't tell if I was grateful for whoever it is tearing me from my terrorized slumber, or if I was more afraid of what was behind the panicked knocking.

I looked over at Reed's zombie like body moving sleepily towards the door, only because his bed was closer to it. He wiped his eyes as the banging continued.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Reed mumbled through a yawn. I glanced over at the clock that now read 5:37 a.m.. On any normal day, with any other dream, I would be rather upset over the forced early start of my day. However, given the circumstances and how I wasn't getting much sleep anyways, it doesn't really matter why I'm waking up this early as long as I don't ever have to have that dream again.

Reed finally opened the door and Ela stormed in like a small tornado ready to destroy everything in her path. She slammed the door behind us and started yelling. Considering both Reed and I were still dazed and not fully awake neither of us heard what exactly she was going on about.

"Are you guys even listening?" She stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms. Reed and I exchanged looks before we telepathically decided that he better be the one to say no, instead of me... the boyfriend.

"Ela, not to be rude or anything, but you woke us up at 5 in the morning. I don't even know my name right now, much less heard any word that just came out of your mouth." Reed said stretching. I heard the crack of his joints echoing in the now quiet room.

"Well, Reed," Ela emphasized, probably because he said he didn't even know his own name, "we have been trying to call you both for the past 37 minutes. If you check your phones you will probably see 29 missed calls." Ela said pointing to our phones. As I picked up my phone she was right, exactly 29 missed calls.

"Okay, that's all fine and dandy but what is the big emergency? What is so important that you called us 29 times?" Reed asked tossing his phone back on his bed.

"The head of the CIA is here. They landed an hour ago and is calling an emergency meeting as soon as we can get there. So put on some clothes we're leaving at 6. So do what you need to do." Ela said before leaving the room and slamming the door behind her.

"That's one handful of a female you got there Jerry." Reed said looking over at me.

"I could say the same thing about Jess." I replied smiling. Reed shot me a death glare before slowly cracking a smile.

"Touché." He laughed before moving to his closet. "Better get your ass up before your girlfriend kills the both of us." Reed added throwing a shoe at me. I laughed before rolling out of bed. Lazily I grabbed a black shirt, jeans and a flannel out of my closet before heading to the bathroom. I quick scrub in the shower, followed by washing my face and brushing my teeth. I changed before deciding to dry my hair in the dorm instead of hogging bathroom time. Reed hopped in the bathroom as I started rubbing the towel roughly on my head. Some quick styling so it didn't look like a mop. I threw on some sneakers before plopping on my bed waiting for Reed. I leaned the back of my head against the cold wall next to my bed.

"So what the fuck was up with you last night bro?" Reed asked popping out of the bathroom. He didn't even look over at me as he asked the question.

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