Then You'll Have Everything

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It's pitch black. I have no idea where I am or where I'm going but my feet seem to carry me where I need to go without me knowing where I need to be. I feel the cold stone floor underneath my bare feet as I run. My breath is choppy and my heart is pounding. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears like a loud drum.

"Ela!" Someone screamed. More like someones. There were multiple voices all crying out for me. I stopped and looked frantically around the halls hoping to catch a glimpse of something that could help, but no one was there. There was no one around. I was alone.

"Ela!" They screamed again and I ran faster. My feet hit the floor sending painful shocks though my feet, but I ignored the pain and kept running. I ran as if my life depended on it... as if their lives depended on it.

"Where are you? Tell me where you are!" I screamed back hoping one would be able to give me a straight answer.

"Right here! I'm right here! Find me! Please find me!" They yelled back. Panic filled the pit of my stomach as I started running faster than I had ever. I knew... I knew who I was finding. I knew who I would have to save. I knew. I kept rounding corners and running down hallways but I felt like I was going in circles.

"Stop right there." A figure in the distance yelled with a gun pointed at me.

"No!" Before the man could shoot me, a person jumped in front of me and caught the bullet. I looked down and saw Jerry's bloody body lying on the floor.

"No!" I yelled dropping to the ground. I looked up and the shooter was gone. It was as if he vanished into thin air. "Jerry. Stay with me. We'll get you help. Just stay with me." I said brushing the hair out of his face. I could see him going pale as the life drained out of his body. "Please don't leave me." I begged.

"Go. Go find them. You can't save me. Save them." Jerry muttered spitting up blood.

"Jerry no. Please. Jerry." I pleaded tears running down my face.

"Go Ela. I love you. I love you." He said as his eye shut and he stopped breathing. No! No! No! I can't lose him. No. I kissed his lips one more time before getting up and following the screaming.

"Ela! Find us! Save us! Ela!" The screaming continued. I tried to follow the voices but the screams seemed to be coming from everywhere. I need to find them. I already lost Jerry. His death couldn't have been for nothing.

"Ela!" A whimper caught my attention. I turned the corner and found Tyler on the floor covered in blood. As I got closer to him I noticed he was beaten to a pulp.

"Tyler. Hey, look at me. You're going to be okay." I said getting down next to him. I pulled his body up until I was cradling him.

"No. No I'm not." He replied shaking his head. "You have to find Alex. He's the only one left. You have to save him. You couldn't save me. You have to save him." Tyler said weakly.

"Tyler you are not leaving me too. No! You can't please. Tyler don't do this." I said as the tears flowed down my cheeks and I started sobbing.

"You can do it. You can save him." Tyler said placing a hand on my cheek. "You just couldn't save me... and I forgive you." He said before his body went limp. That's two... Tyler and Jerry gone right in front of me. I kissed Tyler's cheek before getting up and trying to find Alex. I have to find him. I have to save him. He's the only one left. I started running.

"Alex. Alex please yell out to me. Let me know where you are." I screamed trying to reach him.

"Ela I'm right here. Follow my voice. Hurry." He yelled back and this time his voice was clear. I knew where to run to. I knew where to find him. I ran to him and ran through a door into this much larger open area. There was someone holding on to him with a knife against his throat.

Dead DropOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora