Command Entrance

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I sat staring at the dull and hypnotizing light of my computer screen. I tried to type as quietly as possible, so I wouldn't wake Reed up. I knew he'd be pissed if he knew I was up at 3 a.m trying to hack into the Circle's database for the millionth time. Yet, how could I not? This was the only thing that consumed my thoughts. Until we get Alex and Tyler out of that place I'm not going to be able to sleep properly. I'm not going to be able to perform well in school or on the field.

Along with that, this entire operation has an impact far beyond me or Ela or Tyler and Alex. This operation impacts the entire world. If we're not successful in stopping Jesse and this organization, there is a very strong possibility that world war three will start. We can't have that happen. Who knows what kind of world we would be living in if that happened. And what if they do get the Ela and me? What if they brain wash us into being their "idols"? We have spy experience and are used to being put in the limelight with our time portraying Vincent and Victoria. This entire plan can end life as we know it. We don't know what plans they have after the war starts or when they "win". That level of uncertainty really scares me. I don't know what we're up against and I don't know just how high the stakes are. Yet, any type of war means the stakes are pretty damn high.

I heard shuffling and my eyes shot up. I looked over at Reed's stirring body and started typing faster.

"Jerry?" Reed croaked from his bed.

"What's up dude?" I asked still typing.

"What are you doing up?" He asked wiping his eyes.

"Oh nothing. Just some school work." I lied as my fingers moved like bullets across the keyboard.

"At 3 a.m? On a Friday night?" Reed asked skeptically.

"You know me, just trying to get a head start." I replied quickly glancing in his direction and throwing him and smirk. I'm not sure why I'm still lying when he knows what's going on.

"Jerry... I know what you're doing." Reed said sitting up.

"Reed... I understand that you think that I shouldn't be caught up with this case. But listen it's hard not to be." I said trying to reason with him.

"Jerry, this is beyond caught up, this is obsession. You're obsessed. You can't do anything but think about this case. It's bad for your mental health dude. I'm worried about you. So please, shut the computer down and go..." He started before I heard a light bing and the Circle database screen popped up on my computer.

"I'm in?" I yelled with a mix of disbelief and relief.

"You're in?" Reed asked hopping out of his bed and walking towards mine.

"I'm in!" I said back more confidently and turning the screen towards him.

"Holy shit. You're in." He said before pulling up a chair next to me. "So what now? I mean, I'm still relatively new to this whole spying thing, so what's the plan?" Reed asked looking up at me.

"Well, we start looking for case reports with odd activity. We try to see if they've done any research on this new organization. We check to see if they've been able to send a spy in to infiltrate it. Then, we go from there." I said looking back at my computer. Every doubt I've had about still being able to spy has been washed from my mind. This just raised my confidence level and gave us the big break in our case that we actually needed. This is absolutely amazing. Ela's going to flip!

I actually didn't know where to start though. There was so much stuff to go through. I clicked on the missing agents file and started looking through those. There were over 100 missing agents. In their files they were taken in places scattered across Europe and had been missing anywhere between a year and a week. The hardest thing with missing agents is you don't know whether they are dead or alive. It's like... what do you tell the family?

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