I Still Can't Let It Go

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Today's the day. Today's the day I've been waiting weeks for. The day we finally get off of our asses and do something. Ady has been here for about 2 weeks and we've been waiting patiently, formulating the perfect plan. Nathaniel has proved us with all the information we are going to need to execute the plan. We have a plane, fully fueled ready to take-off after the mission. Jesse has given me access to the headquarters whenever I want, whether or not he's at the facility. Everything is in place.

I'm pretty sure none of us got any sleep last night. We were up until 5 o'clock this morning going through each and every single detail of this plan to make sure that we weren't missing anything. To make sure that absolutely nothing could go wrong. Everything in this plan is so meticulously planned out that even the smallest detterent could mean the difference between life and death. We have to be certain that we are in the right places at the right times.

We're getting ready to leave right now. I walked into the living room with my backpack on.

"Okay. One more time. Let's go through the plan." Ady said standing in the middle of the room.

"I am going to go to the control room and tamper with all of the cameras, so the cameras don't detect us. I'm going to leave the basement entrance cracked open so you guys can get it. Tyler's going to meet me at the control room. Then he and I are going to retrieve Ela from Ela's room located in the west wing. Jake and Gio are going to go retrieve Jerry from his room in the west wings. We are going to follow the designated paths to the west and east wing exits. At the West wing exit, Jade and Dee will be waiting there with the getaway vehicle. At the East wing exit, Ady, Reed and Jess will be waiting there with the getaway vehicle. Ady will be getting updates from Nathaniel about the location of Jesse. Once we are out and in the vehicles, we are all going to drive to the airport and load the plane. From there it's smooth sailing back to America. Done." I answered. She looked up at me a smiled.

"Alright, everyone ready to head out?" She asked looking around at us. We all nodded. "Let's go!"

We all filed out of the house and to our designated cars. I threw my backpack in the truck and headed into the back seat with Tyler, while Jade and Dee were up front. No one said anything the entire car ride. The vibe was really dark. I was hopeful that everything would go according to plan. However, I feel like we are all the unluckiest people on the face of the planet and everything could easily go wrong. Even still, I'd rather die fight than live knowing I let world war 3 happen. I looked over at Tyler who looked tense... for obvious reasons. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he shot his head over in my direction.

"We're going to get her." I assured him. He nodded lightly.

"I know." He replied softly. "I know."

"Then loosen up a bit. You're going to give yourself an aneurism." I joked, causing him to smile a bit.

"I would, but we're walking right back into that place we fought so damn hard to escape from. I can't help but think that I'm walking right into a trap." He disclosed.

"I feel that. But we have to do something. This plan is going to work. It will." I replied and he took a deep breath before nodding again. He didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride. We arrived at the location. We pulled into the garage using the code I had gotten access to. Tyler and I got out of the car. Tyler hid for a bit while I entered the building. As planned I left the door cracked open. Tyler, Jake, and Gio couldn't enter the building until I had disabled the cameras. I walked through the halls thinking about how much torture I endured while I was here. I got poked and proded while they just watched and kept doing it. I can't wait to bring this place to the ground with everyone in it. I want to watch it burn. I want to see everyone who had any part of this suffer ten times more than I did. I turned the corner and saw the nurse who had treated me walking towards me.

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