Get Your Head Out of the Clouds

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Hours spent going through suspect profiles, recent cases of disappearances and former reported places of operation. Hours spent watching Ela tear herself apart about not being fully trained anymore and thinking that she's no longer good enough to help with the situation. Hours spent almost pulling my hair out after every lead would come back to amount to nothing.

All of this felt oddly familiar. Probably because I've gone through exactly this a fucking year ago. I mean hot damn, can we really not get a fucking break? Literally this is what Ela and I were doing when we found out our dads were missing. We spent hours scouring the CIA database for any tiny clue that could help us in our pursuits, to no avail. It was hours of hopeless and meaningless searching that led to more questions and even more frustration.

That is until Ela had the grand idea to just forget everything and go hunting for them ourselves. I don't know if that was the stupidest or smartest idea anyone has ever come up with. I mean come on, we were entering our senior year of high school. We had a good amount of spy experience, but not enough to take down the largest anti-spy organization in the world. I mean... until we did. Who really would have thought two kids would be the driving force to destroy The Circle? Spies around the world spent years fearing them and government agencies spent years hunting them down. Then these two kids come in and pull the trigger and the whole world doesn't know what to fucking do with themselves. We just blew everyone's minds. Instant stardom amongst the spy community. Ela and I have been deemed amongst the greatest spies in history, and definitely the youngest. There are already history books being printed for spy schools with our names in them. We just graduated from high school and students are going to be learning about us. I mean... that's pretty crazy to think about. When I entered Gallagher Academy I knew I wanted to do something memorable. I wanted to make it in the history books. I just never thought that my legacy would be written before I even graduated high school. I mean I'm not even legal to drink alcohol yet, but I'm in a spy hall of fame. Ela and I were deemed the most talented young spies of the century.

It makes me think... did I make the right choice? Did I choose wisely? I mean according to all these very important people I could've done a lot of good in the world. A lot more than I have already done. Am I being selfish by quitting? Giving up?

Oh bullshit! I mean I've gone through a lot of shit in the past couple years. If I decide I wanna live a perfectly normal life then I should be able to. I've done more than enough service to this country, to the whole world. Why should I have to continuously put myself through pain for the rest of my life? And lets not even mention Ela. She's been through beyond enough. She's gone through a lifetimes worth of shit in her 19 years. She deserves to be happy more than anyone else in the world. She deserves the fairytale happy ending. She deserves to have a life that is full of joy and love, not misery and pain. The thing with Ela is she has such a big heart. She loves everyone fiercely and completely. She will give people second and third and fourth chances. She will give her life to save someone she loves and that's something that has gotten her in a lot of trouble, hence right now.

Yet I can't even count this is one of those times, really. I mean, we really do need to save Tyler and Alex. I've come to know both of them personally, and though right now they both must hate me for being with Ela, I still consider them friends. They've both put their lives on the line for me and I owe them a lot. So there is not a doubt in my mind that what we are doing is the right thing to do. I know we have to get them out of there. I don't really know what they are enduring right now, I can only imagine. Yet something tells me that these people... this new organization is nothing to be played with. I can bet both Tyler and Alex would much rather be enduring The Circle's form of torture over whatever they are going through now.

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