Say it Ela. Say it for me.

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(Tyler's P.O.V)

Every time I took a breath in a could feel my ribs cracking a bit more. Every time I swallowed I could taste the blood from the wounds in and around my mouth. The dim room appeared dimmer, since I could really only open one eye. The other one was swollen shut. I couldn't move any of my limbs because of how swollen they were. I don't know how long it will take for all these wounds to heal, but probably too long.

We shouldn't have left. We should've known there was no escaping this. We should've just accepted defeat. Honestly, at this point I am ready to die. I mean, I don't really have much left. And why shouldn't I want to end it all at this point. My dad was a crazy ass lunatic who wanted to start world war three and when he died my twin brother is following closely in his footsteps. If they succeed then I will I have to live with the fact that my family... my blood is what caused such destruction. The only real thing I have left is my mom. She's the only thing keeping me alive right now. Other than that I want to die. I'd welcome death. This world in general, not just the situation I'm in, is shitty. I don't actually want to live, haven't in a while. There hasn't been much to live for. I...

The sound of the metal door unlocking snapped me back to reality. I looked up and saw... Him. The masked man. I feel like that this point he should just let us see his face. We're going to die here anyways. I would much rather like to die knowing the identity of the person who has killed me. Or at least the person who ordered other people to kill me. Maybe as my dying wish he will show me his face and explain to me why he is really doing all of this. At least I can die in peace then. I will have answers, and I will be content in knowing that there is literally nothing I can do about it. Obviously because I will be dead.

"Man you look like shit." The guy said through laughter.

"Haha. Very funny." I choked out before coughing. I didn't realize I could barely talk either. Probably because I haven't needed to talk. Alex has been separated from me for... for... honestly I don't even know how long. I don't have any perception of time down here. It could've been days or even weeks and I wouldn't know. Fucking depressing isn't it. "What the fuck do you want tool?" The amount of energy it took for me to spit that out at him was well worth the coughing fit that would ensue shortly after.

"Glad to see we couldn't beat your personality out of you." He said through laughter again. "However, there is someone who would like to talk to you." He said smiling.

"Alex?" I asked hopefully. I would love any bit of human interaction with absolutely anyone but this sociopath. Literally anyone.

"Aww, watching the formation of this new bromance has been one of my favorite parts about this kidnapping situation we have going on here. But no, it's not Alex. Someone better, however." He said before handing me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked slowly.

"Tyler!" Ela's voice flooded my ears and wow was it sweet to hear. I don't think I've ever enjoyed the sound of her voice as much as I did in this moment.

"Ela." I said more relieved than anything.

"Tell her that time is running out and she needs to make a decision. Your lives are at stake. So, if you value your life you better convince her to come. I'll give you two some privacy." He said before leaving the room.

"Tyler I am so happy to hear your voice you have no idea. I've been so worried about you. I haven't been able to eat or sleep or really think. All I think about is how awful it much be there for you and Alex. It haunts me that I've put you in this situation. I hate that I've done this to you. Done this to both of you. I am so sorry Tyler." She rambled on and part of me wanted to stop her and tell her how it wasn't her fault, but the other part of me, obviously the stronger part of me, let her keep talking just so I could listen to her talk.

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