Well look at Mr. James Fucking Bond

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Ela hasn't been sleeping, she hasn't been eating, she's not really herself anymore. I know she won't be herself until we have Tyler and Alex back. She blames herself for what happened. She believes that none of this would be happening if neither of them had met her. If she hadn't fallen in love with them, they would be safe. I can only do so much to try to make her know that isn't true. However, I have to hand it to her. There's something about her that makes every guy she comes in contact with, willing to die for her. Maybe that's why they are so insistent that she be the token for this war. Any guy that sees her will automatically put his life on the line and do whatever she tells them to. She has that power over people.

However, that's not the point. The point is we have to find a way to save those guys before Ela does something stupid. I knew she had a conversation with Tyler over the phone and actually refused to tell any of us what they talked about. In fact, she actually destroyed the chip so no one would be able to hear the conversation either. She said it wasn't something she wanted to relive and that we needed to leave it alone. After hearing a phone call of Jerry literally getting the shit beaten out of him, I can only imagine how bad this phone call with Tyler was. I can only imagine how Tyler was actually doing. I mean, Alex got beaten up pretty badly for just calling Ela. I don't know what fresh hell they entered after trying to escape. It has to be bad. And that has to be the reason why Ela doesn't want us to hear the phone call. I still think there's more to the situation than she's letting on. I feel like there's something that she's trying to hide.

No. I'm just got crazy. I guess I'm also getting a bit paranoid. It could be due to the lack in sleep that I've had as well. This whole situation has been keeping me up at night. It's so much more complicated than anything else we've ever had to deal with. There never seems to be right answer. Just when you think you've gotten things figured out something changes. Things switch around. The stakes get higher.

I mean, originally, we just thought that this was a group that separated itself from the Circle and is trying to finish what Tyler's dad started. But no. It seems like this group has always been around... like a sort of secret subgroup working in the Circle. So, that's why they always seemed to be several steps ahead of us. It's because they've always had the upper hand. It also explains how they have so many people working for them. That type of loyalty and that size army just doesn't happen over night. That just confirms the idea that Jesse is the leader of all of this. He has to be the one calling all the shots. However, he can't be the one that has Tyler and Alex locked up. Or at least he's not the masked man. We all would have recognized his voice. And Tyler would have recognized his brother with or without a mask on.

The one thing that is sticking out to me, is how they seems to be getting desperate. I mean, this stunt that they pulled with Ela, trying to make her give herself up in order to save Tyler and Alex was kind of too good to be true. So she just goes in and all three of us get released and never bothered again? That seems fishy. I guess they realize that Tyler and Alex can escape again and if they aren't careful they are going to lose the only leverage that they have. And this whole world war three bullshit it time sensitive. They can only keep the King hostage for so long. Those countries also can only hold off war for so long. But, if the war starts without them having all their pieces in place before hand is where everything goes to shit for them. They would have started a war that they can't control. So yea, them being desperate is probably what's going to be their downfall. That's what we can use to beat them. That's...

My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I scrambled over to my bed to grab it. The caller was Ela. I wasn't supposed to hear from her anytime soon. I picked up my phone.

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