She Really Is Going To Be Fine

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Alex's P.O.V.

The cool breeze brushed against my face. I'm not entirely sure if the breeze came from the wind or from how quickly I was pacing. There was a path in the ground from how long I had been walking back and forth. My mind is racing, I can't seem to catch a break from all the stressful thoughts that are flooding my head. I'm going crazy just sitting here literally doing nothing. My strength is finally back up and I can do something. I can do anything really. Something is better than the nothing that we've been doing. It's been a week since they've been locked up in that hellhole and I'm getting anxious. We haven't made any moves and the longer Ela sits in there the harder it'll be to get her back. Not just physically save her, but mentally save her as well. We have to start doing something. We have to start making moves.

"Alex man, you're going to dig yourself in a hole if you keep pacing around like that." Tyler's voice caused me to halt. I spun around to face him as he came through the back door.

"I can't help it. I'm getting frustrated. So, I'm pacing. Let me pace." I argued before beginning to pace again.

"Absolutely not. You're going to drive yourself insane and you're the only sane one here." He grabbed me causing me to stop. "The only one I can trust." He added seriously. I feel like Tyler and I have been through so much together that he really is one of the few people left that I can actually trust. Which is not something I thought I would ever say, but here I am. This guy was there with me during the literal worst moment in my life and we got out.

"Don't go getting all sentimental with me now, Tyler." I smiled.

"Yea, right. That's your job." Tyler teased, causing me to push him.

"Okay asshole. Why'd you come out here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Just wanted to mess with you. I also noticed you've been out here all morning and haven't eaten anything. So, we're going to go eat lunch." Tyler replied dragging me inside.

"I don't want to." I groaned pulling my arm away.

"Come on. I'm starving and you're the only person keeping me from punching someone!" Tyler pleaded. I rolled my eyes before continuing to walk.

"Fine." I mumbled. Tyler's smile widened as he basically skipped into the kitchen.

"Hey guy. How's it going?" Gio asked looking at the newspaper.

"I'm only out here because I'm hungry. And he's only out here to prevent me from punching someone." Tyler answered rummaging through the fridge.

"Alex...?" Gio asked looking over at me.

"He's right. I'm only here to prevent him from doing something stupid." I confirmed.

"Hey!" Tyler shot his head up at me.

"Don't hey me. You said it yourself." I shot back. He rolled his eyes before going back to finding something to eat.

"Alex." Gio started again but I stopped him.

"No. Don't talk to me until you're ready to actually put the plan into action and save Ela. Until then I don't want to hear anything you have to say." I replied not looking at him.

"We're waiting for both of you to be at your top health before either of you are fit enough to help with the rescue attempt. Especially since you guys know a rough layout of the headquarters." Gio confirmed.

"I'm healthy. I'm ready to fight. Tyler, you?" I asked looking over at him. He had a piece of ham hanging out of his mouth.

"I've been ready to fight since day one." He replied swallowing.

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