What Kind of Mental and Physical Training?

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I was startled awake by the sound of vicious coughing. My eyes fluttered open and began to burn due to the bright light. I rubbed them to try to make them less light sensitive. I just then noticed my hands were tied together, so that didn't work as well as I hoped. I would just have to deal with the stinging. I sat up and looked across the room to see the back of a person, who despite my utter hatred for, I knew a bit too well.

"Alex." I spoke getting his attention. He jumped a little before turning to look at me. He was tied up as well.

"Tyler." He replied crossing his arms.

"Of fucking course, you'd be the person I'm stuck in here with." I said rolling my eyes. Out of all the people in the world it had to be him, right? It just had to be him. He was Jesse's best friend growing up. Since Jesse went to the side of the circle and Alex has just been there. I'd see him everywhere. When I was on missions, I'd see him. When I had to interact with my brother, I'd see him. When I had to interact with my father, I'd see him. When neither of them wanted to come and bother me, but needed a message delivered to me, they'd send him. I'm actually surprised that Alex didn't come to Gallagher Academy when Jesse did, but now I know why he didn't.

It was because he was playing the part of a perfect, All-American sweetheart. Bullshit. He's been an asshole and will always be an asshole. I have hated him from day one and probably will always hate him. He's part of the reason I was gone for those three months. I had to drop off the grid to try to gather intelligence on what the circle was trying to do. That meant I had to see him way more often then I wanted to. It was awful.

Then... this is what pisses me off the most, when I went to my father... When I went to that bastard to try to find Ela. I was so desperate, because I thought she was dead. My father said that he had no idea where she was and that they had also been trying to hunt her down. When I didn't believe him I went to my brother, hoping he would feel pity for me and tell me where she was... he didn't. Then as a last result... as my hail mary attempt I asked Alex. I pretty much begged him to tell me where she was and he didn't! I don't know if it was because my father forced him not to or because he was using this time to try to win her back, but either way it was a dick move and I will forever hate him.

So, being stuck in here with him is probably the worst thing I could ever experience in my whole life...

Wait a minute... This kid... this kid used to be my brother's best friend. They did everything together. They were more brotherly than Jesse and I ever were, and we shared a womb. There's no one else in the world that my brother would trust to have by his side during this process other than Alex. How do I know he's not part of this? How so I know him being here isn't just a trick? He could be working a long side my brother in this whole bullshit "empire" that Jesse thinks he's building. I don't believe for one second that it's a coincidence that we're both here together. I mean, they want me to believe that it's to lure Ela and Jerry to us. Well for one I don't really know Jerry all that well. I just knew him as Ela's best friend, who saved my ass a couple times. Well that was before he stole her away. So I mean I wouldn't even be good bait for him to come and save us. But I know that he would do whatever Ela wanted him to. Now, obviously I don't mean that much to Ela if she left me so I don't think I'll be good enough bait for her to come. Neither would that dickbag over there, since she left him too. So now all of this is just feeding into my thought that he's part of this.

Seriously, mu brother, as far as I know, only trusted my father and Alex. Now with my father being dead, Alex is like the only family Jesse has. Especially since he doesn't know that our mother is still alive. You see I would tell him, but it's been hard to get hold of him since he's dropped off the face of planet earth in hopes of starting world war three. Nonetheless, Alex has been there with him since the beginning. So it only makes sense that he'd be here with him now. Yet... even then... why bring me into the mix? Just to be an asshole? Or do they really think Ela would come for me?

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