May I Ask What Spy School You Graduated From?

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Tyler's P.O.V.

The ray of sun that cracked through the window and hit my face, waking me up, is the only thing that assured me this was reality and I wasn't dreaming. I don't remember much from yesterday, but I do remember the look in Ela's eyes as she watched me beg for her life. It's almost as I could see her heart breaking when I suggested that she leave us in there. I should have known better than to think that she would actually listen to me. She stubborn, so fucking stubborn. But she's more loyal than anything. She thinks she owes us. She thinks that since we have always been wiling t give our lives for hers that she needs to be willing to give her life for ours. But the best way for her to repay us for sacrificing ourselves for her is for her to live a long and happy life. I mean, even my dad told her to do that. Why can't she just listen to people for once in her life? I mean damnit Ela!

I cannot imagine what they've already begun to do to her. I wonder if they started her off on physical training. If they have her in that god forsaken, bright, white, tiled room. Has the pain from the injection worn off yet? Or are her muscles aching and screaming with every move she makes? Is she sitting on that icy floor, curled up in a ball crying, or is she throwing a riot in there? Has she broken the chair and tables? Is she pounding on the glass mirror? Screaming at the people that she knows is watching her? Or has she completely given up? Has her voice gone scratchy? Are there circles under her eyes from not sleeping? Are they playing videos of us getting tortured on repeat? Are they trying to make her feel guilty for not making the trade sooner? Are they making her listen to our screams of pain? Our cries for help? Our pleads for mercy as they beat us almost to death? How long will she last? 40 hours, like my first time? Longer? Shorter?

Maybe the haven't started her physical training and wanted to start off with the mental training. Maybe as soon as she got there they strapped her on that hospital bed and pushed that mind-altering liquid into her body. I wonder what her nightmare was about. I wonder how badly she hurt herself while struggling against the restraints. I wonder how badly she was crying as the woke up and had to tell herself none of that was real. Even though every single moment of it felt like it was actually happening.

Above all else I wonder how much those sick bastards are enjoying this. For God knows how long they have been waiting to have her in their grasps. They have been waiting for the moment that they could capture her and make her do their bidding. Now they finally have what they want. Are her screams music to their ears? Does her pleads for help make them feel warm on the inside? Are they placing bets to see how long it'll take for her to finally break down? I can imagine all of them standing there looking at her, checking off the most important to-do item off of their plan for world domination. I can see them all looking at her as if she was some prize to be won. That they finally made their big catch. They are now moving forward with their plan to start the war. How long will they wait? Until she breaks? Until the next piece in their puzzle falls in place? Or are that already initiating the next phase? Have they already figured out their next move and will speed up the process with Ela if need be?

Thinking about this makes my head hurt and my heart brake. Everything about this makes my entire body fume with anger. I can't believe her stupid friends actually let her go on with this plan. If it was me I would have locked her up somewhere until we could figure out a better plan. They all just gave these people what they wanted, and they have no fucking clue on how they are going to fix it. They are just going to let Ela sit there and rot until they have turned her over to their side and we can never get her back. I can't let that happen. I won't...

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking at me door. I shot up in a slight panic, before remembering that I was safe and no one here is going to hurt me. After taking several deep breaths I answered. "Come in." The door cracked open and Alex's head peeked in before the rest of his body entered my room. I felt more relieved than anything that it was him and not anyone else that was here.

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