So This is the Famous Tyler Greyson

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Tyler's P.O.V.

I'm stressing the fuck out here. I'm growing more impatient the longer I have to wait to free Ela. Then there's this new plan of having Alex spy on Jesse. And while that might be a pretty good idea, I know my brother. I know the type of person he is. He's incredibly manipulative. He will do whatever it takes to get whatever he wants. He and Alex were best friends. Damn near inseparable. If there's any chance that Jesse could someone turn Alex into his puppet again... Like I know Alex is strong and he can resist my brother or whatever, but there's still the smallest chance that he can't. The smallest chance that my brother can trick him or turn him again. I don't know. I just... I can't stand the thought of Alex joining Jesse's team. Especially after everything... everything we've been through. Everything he now knows about my brother and how evil he is. I want him as far away from Jesse as possible. Especially since he's like the only friend I have right now. I'm honestly about to snap someone's neck. You would think that at least Jake, aka my best friend, or at least former best friend idk what the fuck is up with him, would be on my side. I mean he's barely talked to me since I've been here. I don't know what's up with that. Have I been stand offish? Nah. Couldn't be.

Now, as for Ela's squad, you'd think they'd be a little more adamant about getting her the hell out of there. I mean, I was with them back at the end of Junior year when Ela went missing. I don't think I've seen a group of people work so hard to find anyone in my whole life. I felt good about completely separating myself from Ela after our break up because I knew the friends she had would have her back no matter what. Now... now they are just letting her rot in that hell hole and throwing their hands up in defeat. I don't get it. I really don't.

Maybe I'm over reacting or I'm jumping to conclusions or whatever. Maybe they really are trying their hardest to get Ela out of there and my own emotions are blinding me from seeing that. I just don't want Ela to suffer anymore at the hands of me or my family. I feel like I'm partially to blame in all of this. I know that they took her dad before I met her. They were watching her, but that was just protocol. They watch the families of all their abducted spies to keep tabs on them. However, she wasn't really on their radar until Jesse came to school with me and saw how close we were. I was caught off guard. For a short amount of time I felt safe. I forgot who my family was. I felt that I could finally have something good in my life. And that's what Ela was... is. She's the only good thing that has ever happened to me. They saw that. They saw how much I loved her, even before I knew I loved her, and they used it against me. They ruined her life because... honestly I have no idea why they did everything they did to her. I highly doubt it had everything to do with me. I'm sure in the beginning it was, but then something changed. Somewhere in trying to hurt me, or manipulate me, or whatever they were trying to do, they saw something in her. They saw the type of person she is. The loyal, brave, strong, badass girl that I fell in love with. The girl who sees the good in everyone and is willing to die for anyone. The girl that could make you fall in love with her just with one conversation. The girl who could get you to be willing to die for her. They saw that girl, the greatest girl in the world, and figured out a way to turn her into a weapon. They only wanted her because they knew she'd be the most powerful weapon they could have.

I should have stayed away from her. I shouldn't have chosen her file back in sophomore year. I shouldn't have begged Mr. Solomon to let me be her partner. I knew. I knew what I would be getting myself into. I knew the amount of danger I would be putting her in. None of this would have ever happened if I had just stayed away from her. I should've just stayed away from her. There were multiple times where I could've just let her go. But I didn't... I couldn't. Even now. I still can't stay away from her. If they even thought for a second that I wasn't still completely in love with her this would've all been over. Jesse would've given up... it wouldn't be fun for him anymore. This is all just a game for him. We're all playing his stupid, fucked up game.

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