Thirty: Girls Day Out

Start from the beginning

"Still a good one." I frowned at his unwillingness of not buying him a present for his birthday.

"I give up, what are you doing for it? Are you having a party?"

"Are you being silly on purpose, I would have to be mental not to be having a birthday party to celebrate my 21st."

"Was just checking, jeez."

"Good, now I have a question."


"Would you do the great honour of accompanying me on Friday February 1st to my 21st birthday party and being my date for the evening of excessive amounts of alcohol and dancing?"

"Hmmm." I pondered placing my finger on my chin tapping as if trying to decide what my answer would be.

"I'll have to check my diary, I may have a date with my bit on the side." His faced dropped, he couldn't possible believed that when I said that, I pinched his cheeks and gave him a kiss

"Of course I'll come you nugget, you don't honestly think I've got a bit on the side when I'm happy with you."

He beamed up at my when I said I was happy with him, which is true this is the happiest I've ever been with someone in a while. It's crazy who in a matter of months one person can change your life, I went from being one of the most depressed person ever to being happy and content with one person. It may have only been a few weeks that me and Harry have been together but I wouldn't change it for anything, it's better than being in an unstable relationship with Josh that's for sure.


"What you wearing for Friday hun?"

"Huh- what?" Kennedy giggled beside me

"I said what are you going to be wearing on Friday?"

"Oh Friday right- um I honestly don't know, I'm going shopping after here for a dress and some heels and I also need to get Harry a present even though he told me not to, but I'm finding it so hard to decided what I should get him."

"Oh my god can I come with? I want to see you in a gorgeous dress before he does, I could also help you with a few gifts for him considering he said he didnt want anything from you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, I know how stubborn Harry can be so I can help you."

"You're a life saver Ken, you don't know how much this means to me."

"Not a problem deary, that's what I'm here for."

Going dress shopping with Kennedy was probably the worst decision I've ever made, she wouldn't even let me decide whether or not I liked the dress or not, it had to be perfect if I wanted to impress Harry and as she put it 'blow his load' with me. I had actually found a dress I liked but I was shot down by Kennedy.

"Oh my god why won't you let me choose my own dress, you're making every decision for me." I crossed my arms over my chest in the dressing rooms while I was trying on the final dress I had picked out.

"Because you want to make Harry- whoah." Kennedy stopped mid-sentence as I walked out of the dressing room


"You look- um- I can't even describe how hot you look, it's a shame I'm straight because-"

"Okay Ken I get it." I waved my hand frantically to get her to stop talking as I walked back into the dressing room to look at myself in the dress again, it was perfect, and it was a black body com dress that reached mid-thigh with leather sides to it. So I chose that one for Friday but also including a few accessories.

"Harry won't know what's hit him Ava, I know he understands and everything and so do I, but I feel sorry for the bloke, not being able to tap you, shame really."

"Kennedy." I squealed at her eyes wide with shock.

"What? He's had a dry spell for ages can't imagine what he's going through." This girl was pushing the limit now, why doesn't she stop.

"Just because we're not having sex doesn't mean we won't do anything else." I blushed speaking those words out loud to Kennedy, she started to giggle and lightly bumped my hip with hers.

"Ava Spark, are you going to be giving a certain Harry Styles a little birthday present of your own that is physical and not shop bought." I shook my head and bit my lip trying to stop the laugh I was keeping in.

"Shut up and help me with trying to find a proper present for Harry please."

"Fine but don't think I don't know what you've got hidden under your sleeve Ave." I just started walking quicker ahead of my best friend ignoring the immature giggles spilling out of her mouth.

After 3 hours of being dragged around the shopping centre I had everything that I wanted, I had found my dress for the night and with the help of Ken I had bought Harry a few presents, I just hope I had got the right size for him and they weren't too tight or loose for him. I was finally ready for Friday and I couldn't wait.

Enjoy loveliessss, omg and thank you so much for the reads and votes whoever had been voting hehe.




Jade x

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