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Shannon's PoV

I hadn't actually planned on watching Dumbo, for what seemed like the millionth time in my life, with my girlfriend when we got home from school one hour and four minutes ago. But that's what had happened. The movie is just, now, finished, but it doesn't seem like Cari is going to move anytime soon by the arm she has laid over my stomach and her head buried in my chest. But I have no complaints, not even one. If this is how she wants to spend our weekend together, then I'm more than happy to spend it like this; watching Disney movies all day.

As long as I get to spend time with her, anything would be perfect.

Cari turns her head up and sends me the most adorable smile I've ever seen, turning my insides into mush. I smile back at her and move one of my hands up to her face and stroke my thumb over her cheek slowly. I move my finger over her soft skin and follow the finger with my eyes. I lift my hand up slightly and place the tip of my forefinger and middle finger where my thumb had just been.

I look up at her eyes for a split second and find them staring up at me with a familiar look in them, the same she had the first night of Christmas break when we were both laying on our sides, naked, on my bed, her forehead against mine. I look back down to my fingers, to stop the tingly feeling in the bottom of my stomach and trace my fingers down her cheek. I swallow deeply and try to move my legs closer together as I slowly move my fingers over to her lips and carefully feeling the soft, warm skin under my fingertips.

She parts her lips slightly as I move my fingers across them and over to her other cheek, making it harder and harder to ignore the feeling. I glue my gaze to my fingers as they keep on their journey upwards her face and blinking repeatedly as images fills my mind. My fingers move towards her forehead slowly and down to the bridge of her nose. I look back into her eyes and swallow again when I see that she has closed her eyes. My fingertips slowly slide down her nose and back down to her parted lips before I place my hand over her cheek.

"I love you" I whisper almost inaudible, but I know she heard it when her the corners of her mouth curl up slightly.

I watch her hand as it takes a hold of mine, moves it towards her lips and kisses it softly as she opens her eyes to meet mine, "I love you, too."

But, now, the familiar look has left her eyes.

I mirror her smile and let her guide my hand down to her chest as she lies down with her head in my lap, staring up at me with a small smile, keeping her hold on my hand. Carefully I move my fingers in between hers and lace them together with mine. I look down at our interlocked hands as my smile widens and butterflies involuntary fill my stomach, taking over for the unfamiliar tingle in my lower stomach.

A low growling sound fills the room and Cari's cheeks turn bright red, making a small giggle escape my lips. I move my free hand up to her face and move a few loose strands of hair out of her face, before placing it on her cheek, cupping it carefully. I smile down at her flushed cheeks and averted gaze and push her face up slightly to catch her eyes with mine.

"Hungry, baby?" I ask her softly when her gaze meets mine.

Cari chuckles and nods, "Can we make pizza?"

"Sure" I smile and help her up from my lap and follow her into the kitchen.

My smile stays on my face as I watch my girlfriend skipping around in the kitchen to find everything we need to make our pizza. She starts with the cupboard and fills her arms up, then walks over to the countertop and puts everything down. She turns over to me with a bright smile, making my own smile widen instantly. I lean my back against the wall as she turns back and walks over to the fridge to find the rest of the ingrediencies we need. Again, she fills her arm up and clumsily closes the fridge before she carries the pizza ingrediencies over to the countertop.

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