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Cari's PoV

"I can't believe Shannon" Amy says is disbelief, "she's been hanging out with that boy...what's his name again?"

"Danny" I whisper, looking down as we walk towards Shannon's last class.

"Yeah, Danny" she says sounding irritated, "something is wrong with her, she can't just ignore you!"

"It's fine Amy" I mutter, "I understand, I hate myself just as much."

She takes my hand and turns towards me, "No, she doesn't hate you, Cari. Please don't hate yourself, it's nothing to hate, remember what I told you yesterday?"

I nod slowly, "Yeah."

"Good" she smiles, "now let's go find Shannon before she leaves with that... what did you call him again?"

"Danny" I tell her again, feeling my heart sting every time he came up in a conversation.

"Yeah, that Danny boy" she says and drags me with her down the hallway, "let's find them."

Amy keeps dragging me, "There they are" she whispers.

I keep my head down, feeling like seeing her with that boy one more time would just upset me even more. It hurt enough seeing them at lunch together, especially when he kissed her cheek, I don't think I can handle it again.

Amy stops right in front of Shannon and Danny, with me behind her. My body tenses when I feel Shannon's eyes at me. I know she's looking at me and it hurts that she's probably looking at me in disgust. I don't even dare to look up and meet her gaze, afraid of what I could possibly find in her eyes. Amy gives my hand a squeeze, trying to calm me down.

"Where have you been all day" Amy asks, even though she and I both know the answer.

"And where are you two going?" Amy continues, anger evident in her voice.

"Eh... she ate lunch with me-" Danny mumbles.

"Yeah, I know" Amy interrupts him harshly, "why is she with you?"

"I am taking her on a date, to make her smile, she seems sad."

My heart drops at his words. A date? Shannon is going on a date with this guy.

"Date?" Shannon seems confused, making me feel a little better.

"If that's okay with you" Please say no.

"Sure" I think my heart suddenly disappeared, or broke into a million pieces, I don't know, all I know is that tears are making their way to my eyes.

"A date?" Amy asks in disbelief, "Seriously, Shannon."

Amy tightens her grip on my hand and drags me away from Danny and Shannon, walking us down the hallway. She stops in front of the now empty classroom Shannon came from and wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. Amy rubs my back, letting me cry softly into her shoulder. A pang of jealousy and pain fills my body and all I want to do is to lock myself up in my room and cry myself to sleep and hopefully never wake up again.

"Come on" Amy says softly and pulls away to look at me, "let's get you home."

I nod my head in agreement. Amy gently wipes away my tears and gives me apologetic smile. She takes my hand and leads me down the hallway, toward the huge glass doors, never letting go of my hand.

• • •

Amy and I sit down at the end of my bed, I lay my head down on her shoulder and she wraps her arm around me.

"Why?" I whisper, more to myself, but loud enough for Amy to hear.

"Why, what?" Amy asks softly.

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