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Shannon's PoV

"Where do you want to go?" I ask quietly as we walk onto the street we both live on.

It's almost pitch black outside now, aside from a couple of streetlights here and there, with relatively large gaps between them. It was probably already past midnight and we both had already gotten a few texts from our parents, asking when we were coming home and where we were going. One question of which we have yet to decide an answer to.

"I already told my mom I was sleeping at your house" Cari smiles and takes my hand in her own, dragging me along towards my house.

Well, obviously Cari has already answered both questions.

"Then I guess my house it is" I laugh and pick up my pace to keep up with my girlfriend, who looks back at me with a smile and nods.

As quietly as possible we both enter the house and lock the front door before heading up towards my bedroom, as my mom and my sister are probably already asleep. Cari lets go of my hand the second she steps into my room and immediately walks towards my closet. I laugh quietly to myself as I close the door to my bedroom and sit down at the edge of my bed as I watch Cari rummage through my closet.

"You know there are so many things in there that are yours, why don't you take some of that?" I ask with a small smile, already having heard the answer to that question so many times before.

Cari turns towards me with one of my t-shirts and a pair of my cotton shorts in her hand and shakes her head, "Why would I go into my girlfriend's closet and pick my own clothes," she asks and brings the things in her hand up to her nose, "when her clothes smell so much better."

"Oh, they do?" I smile and walk over to her, wrapping my arms loosely around her waist.

"Yeah" Cari smiles and steps closer to me, placing her free arm around my neck, "definitely."

I connect our lips softly for only a few seconds before pulling away slightly, staying close enough for our lips to brush against each other while speaking, causing our breaths to mix together, "I would much rather wear my girl's clothes, I think they small even better."

Cari smiles against my lips before pulling back more to meet my gaze with one raised eyebrow, "Your girl?"

"Yeah" I smile and let go of her as I walk over to my closet to find something to sleep in, "you are my girl," I tell her and pull out one of her hoodies from my closet along with a pair of my own sleep shorts, "my woman."

"I'm not a woman" Cari laughs and closes my closet, "I just turned seventeen a few weeks ago."

I throw the hoodie and my shorts on my bed and pull my shirt over my head, "Oh, really? I didn't know. I just turned seventeen, too. I actually celebrated it with my woman."

Cari, not so subtly, casts a glance down my body, before answering, causing me to raise my eyebrow at her with a slight smirk forming on my face, "I'm not a woman! You can't call me that until I'm, like, thirty."

I roll my eyes playfully and pull Cari's hoodie over my head as Cari walks over and lies the clothes she had picked out down on my bed, before sitting down on the edge of it, "You can be my woman anyway."

Cari slaps the side of my thigh and sends me an obvious fake glare, not able to keep her smile from breaking through, while making quick work of changing out of her jeans and into the cotton shorts she found in my closet, "I liked you more when you called me princess."

"Cari," I smile and change into the pair of shorts I had picked out as Cari pulls off her shirt, "you can be both. You are both. You're everything. My girl, my woman, my princess, my girlfriend, my best friend, my happiness, my strength, my weakness, my umbrella when it rains, my compass when I'm lost, my security, my heart, my love, my life," I sit down beside her and feel my heart melt at the shy smile that slowly stretches across her mouth, "you're my world, Cari. Everything."

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