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Cari's PoV

"Let me go!" I yell through my sobs, trying to get up and run after Shannon.

Amy and Meghan are holding around me on the floor, not letting me follow my hurt best friend.

"I h-have to g-go" I cry, trying to get out of their grip.

"Cari, please calm down" Meghan speaks softly.

"N-no" I whisper-cry, "Sh-shannon."

I give up trying to fight them and bury my face into Meghan's chest, "I have to g-go."

"You have to give her some space. You know Shannon, she likes to be alone when she's upset" Amy tells me softly while stroking my back gently.

I shake my head. Shannon doesn't want people around her when she's upset, she wants me. She always does, just like she's all I want when I'm upset. It's always been that way. She's the only one who can calm me down by just being with me and I'm the only one who can calm her down by just being with her. I mean my mom can calm me down too, but she has to talk to me and comfort me to do so, Shannon just has to be there.

"Stop being so dramatic, it was just a dare" Alex says, sounding irritated.

"Alex" Meghan says sternly, "are you serious?"

"Alex is right, what's the problem?" Vanessa chuckles sarcastically.

Their statements only make me cry harder, gripping onto Meghan's shirt.

"What's wrong with you" Meghan asks them harshly, tightening her grip around me.

"Take Cari to Alex's bedroom to calm her down" Jack says and places a hand on my shoulder, "and don't listen to then Cari, I understand it hurts to see Shannon like that."

I nod my head, thanking him. Even though they think I'm crying because of Shannon only. It obviously hurts me, seeing Shannon crying like that, but that's not the reason I'm like this. Everything is just so confusing and it scares me. The kiss made me feel so alive, my heart was beating so fast and I had no control over my emotions. It felt so right in the moment and all I wanted to do was kiss her again. It's the best and most exciting feelings I have ever felt. Until I realized I had kissed Shannon, my best friend. I kissed my best friend and I liked how it made me feel. I liked kissing Shannon. I just don't understand what's going on with me. I panicked and then Shannon just left me here, all confused and scared out of my mind.

Why did it feel good?

Why did I like how it felt to kiss her?

Why did I want to kiss her again?

What is going on with me?

"Come on Cari" Meghan says and helps me up, "let's go and be alone while you calm down."

Meghan leads me into Alex's bedroom and closes the door behind us. She helps me lay down on Alex's bed and gently lays down beside me. She wraps her arms around me and I gently lay my head on her chest, sobbing. Meghan just holds me tightly, seeing that talking to me wouldn't help the situation.

"Cari, you have to stop crying, please, it hurts to see you like this" Meghan says softly while stroking my back, after listening to me cry for fifteen minutes straight.

"W-why did she h-have to do t-that?" I sob into her chest, obviously talking about Vanessa.

Meghan pulls me closer, making small circles on my back to try to calm me down, "I don't know, she and Alex does stupid things sometimes, we all do."

"A-Alex?" I ask, not fully understanding what she had to do with this.

"Yeah" Meghan whispers, "she and Vanessa kind of planned it."

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