Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Adam-scented pillows 

   The decision was final; Bobby wasn't able to come with me on tour. Before I knew it, it was already the fourth month into the tour. I was having so much fun singing, dancing with Adam and the band; we became a small little family.  It's been tough without Bobby; without being with him 24/7; without tickle fights, cuddling, and watching movies. We Skyped every morning, before and after each show, and before we went to bed. He's gone to about five shows, since there were some around L.A.. Even though I've been gone for four months, I haven't been able to get as much sleep like I used to. Something was missing. Someone was missing. You'd think that performing all the time would ware someone out, not with me. I just needed to be held by Bobby again.

   "I miss you, Bobby." I said to him during our 'before we go to bed' Skype session.

"I miss you too, Gooby."

"I miss you holding me, kissing me, cuddling with me, going on adventures, and eating macaroni and cheese until we get full."

"I know, I miss doing that stuff too, but we had to do this. For you."

"I'm sorry.."

"What for?"

"Leaving so early."

"Christina, it's fine. Well, I can barely keep my eyes open, call me if you need anything. Love you."

"Love you too."

"Goodnight." He kissed his hand and placed it on the computer screen.

"Night." I did the same thing and placed my hand on his before closing the laptop. I got off the couch, grabbed all some pillows, and placed them in my bunk. I made a cuddle buddy with pillows. I wrapped my arms around the pillows and felt somewhat cuddled. I still couldn't sleep, so I just stared off in my own little world.

"Christina?" I heard a faint voice say.

"Huh? What? Yes?" I said as I looked to my right to see Adam just standing there.

"You okay there? You're cuddling with my pillows."

"Oh, I thought these were just couch pillo-"

"You just wanted to cuddle with me; so you took Adam-scented pillows." He smirked.


"If you wanted to cuddle with me, Christina, you could have just asked." He continued.

"Adam, I-" I really didn't know what to say, he wasn't going to stop messing with me.

"Sure, Christina," He stated. I didn't know what he was talking about. Not one clue. Next thing I knew he was leaning over and throwing the pillows off to floor. He slightly scooted me and squeezed his way into my bunk. "I'll cuddle with you." I was so confused. He turned to his side so he was facing me; nearly two inches away from my face, and looked at me. "How was your day off?"

"Good I guess, I'm a little homesick though."

"These four months flew by! What's two more?" He cheerfully said, smiling with that amazing smile he has.

"You're right."

"As always." We laughed for a good two minutes then I was distracted by him sliding a piece of my hair behind my ear.

He kept his hand on my cheek and froze. He searched my eyes, as if looking for an answer of a unasked question. He smiled and slightly brought his lips onto mine. Now I froze. One of my celebrity crushes has just kissed me. Not even kissed. It's not past tense, because he's still kissing me. He's kissing me and I'm just laying here not even moving. Nothing. Then I felt something poke my lip. Oh jeez. OhGodOhGodOhGod. That's his tounge. Christina. What are you going to do?  Is this real life? It can't be. Yup. Oh jeez.  His tongue had officially entered my mouth without my permission. This is the most awkward kiss. I gave in. I kissed Adam Levine back. This was actually happening. He pulled me closer and kissed me faster. His other hand held my waist and dragged me even closer. I placed a hand on his chest and slowly removed my lips from his.

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