Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Busted.

"Joey!  You're supposed to be backing me up! It's hard to shoot with one hand!" I heard Bria scream from the other side of the arena.

    Bobby had rented the laser tag arena for a "birthday party" and we're having a blast. It's couples vs couples. Bria and Joey on the blue team, Cass and Kenny on the red, Lauren and Sarah on the yellow, and Bobby and I on the green team. Devynn had to leave due to some last minute brunch plans with Breanna and Mama Dani. Which really sucks because I really wanted her to come.

         It was dark and the only thing I could see was the glow-in-the-dark path that lead the way to my secret hiding place. I've been using that hiding spot since I first ever came to this arena. When I play; it honestly feels like The Hunger Games. I crawl in the little entrance and follow my way through the tunnel until I reach a little room that has enough holes to shoot in every direction, but dark enough that no one could see me; but I could see them. I heard someone coming so I crouched down and pointed my gun at the tunnel.

"There you are!" A familiar whisper said. A few seconds later Bobby's head came poking through the entrance. I smiled and motioned him over. He kissed my cheek and pointed his gun through one of the holes in the wall. He pulled the trigger and I heard Cass scream from being scared.

"Where did that come from?" I hear her whisper.

"I'm not sure," I hear Kenny say.  I point my gun and shot him. "I think they're that way!" I hear them run the opposite direction.

        We had a blast for the rest of the day and I didn't want it to end. Sadly, it had to because we all had to go home and start packing for our separate flights to New Jersey where Bobby and I are getting married! My parents are already there getting some last minute wedding items and most likely a 'Welcome back' party, even though we'll only be staying for a few weeks. I'm so excited; not only do I get to see my friends, family and see the town I grew up in; but I get to get married. The wedding that I've been planning in my head since I was six years old is finally going to happen in a matter of weeks! I finally get to say those two words that mean so much, the two words that I get to hear Bobby say!  "I do." I never knew I could be so happy with someone.


"Alright, where did you hide my candy bar? It was right on the counter." Bobby asked snapping me back to reality. He got himself a chocolate bar to reward himself for finishing up packing.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

I ate it.

"Really?" He chuckled sarcastically as he walked towards me slowly.

"Yeah." I mumbled as walked backwards. He cornered me against the wall and asked me again,


"Yup.." I muttered. He crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me for a while then he pulled away.

"I knew you ate it. I could taste it." He smirked.

"I did no such thing." I smirked back. He rubbed his thumb on the corner of my lip and held it in front of my eyes. There was just a slight smudge of chocolate.

"Busted," He kissed me again just a little longer. He placed his hand on the small of my back and grunted as he pulled me closer. Shocked, I gasped and placed my hands on his chest. I looked up and saw him smiling. "You're so cute." He leaned down and kissed me. I moved my hands from his chest to the hem of his shirt and pulled him closer as I kissed him harder. I didn't really know why I kissed harder. I never really took as much as control as I am right now. I actually like it. But does he? I mean..I can feel him smiling against my lips, so he must enjoy it. Right? His hands went lower and cupped my butt. Okay...maybe this is too much. I loosened my grip on his shirt and pulled my lips just millimeters away. I could feel the warm air coming from his lips on mine. He rested his forehead against mine and we stared into each others eyes. I smashed my lips against his once more then pulled away and went to grab my luggage.

"Beat you to the car." I said noticing we had an hour and a half until our plane arrives.

"Tease." I heard him mumble under his breath. I rushed to the car and put the bags in the trunk. I hopped in the driver's seat and honked the horn. We had a tight schedule; we had to rush to Mark's, pick him up so he could take us to the airport. Mark was catching the plane the next day so he was going to keep our cars in his garage. Bobby finally came running and threw his stuff in the back seat. We did as we planned, got Mark and rushed to the airport. Luckily,  we had enough time to get on the plane just on time. I put our bags on the spot provided and sat on my seat which was the window seat!

       The plane ride was quicker than I expected but I'm glad because that means I get to see my parents sooner! We exit the plane and grab our bags and I search for my parents threw the huge crowd of people. I eventually find my mom waving her hand and jumping on her tippy toes smiling away at Bobby and I. We walked over and went to Dad's car and headed home. For the next few days, we had so much things to catch up on, and so many things to do. But towards the end it was all worth it.

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