Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Beat her up Twinkie!

        I was just walking around the house because I had woken up in the middle of the night. I was in the kitchen when my phone started to ring. I thought I had it in my hand but it ended up still being on the couch next to Bobby. I walk over and see him moving a little because the noise is annoying him; I reach over and grab the phone which is slightly under his butt.. I answered the phone and it was Devynn.

"Hey Devynn, is this a emergency? It's four in the morning."

"Well I'm in that guy's driveway you should let me in.."

"Wait what? Who's driveway and why are you in it?"

"That Bobby guy."


"You weren't home so I figured you were here."

"But why at four in the morning?"

"I needed to talk to you." I took a deep breath and unlocked the door.

"Come on in." I saw her get out of the car and I opened the door for her. She hugged me and I brought her to the basement so we could talk without waking anyone.

"So, Drew came home today and-" I cut her off.

"I was going to tell you but-"

"I was going to tell you he stole these..." She said as she pulled out Bobby's watch I had gotten him along with his lucky drum sticks. If he didn't find them Bobby would break down; he can't perform without them because his great grandfather gave them to him before he had passed.

"Wait..oh my God." I reached over and she handed them to me.

"What were you going to say?"

"Why did he take these?" I asked avoiding her question.

"He wanted new drum sticks I guess."

"Why Bobby's? I know you know."


"Actually no; why did he break in, in the first place?" She sighed and looked into my eyes.

"He thinks you cheated on Luke with Bobby."

"Luke and I broke up the summer before Bobby and I started to talk! Why does he care anyways? " At that moment was Bobby was at the bottom of the stairs yawning rubbing his eyes. He sees me with the drum sticks and rushes over.

"What are you doing with these?!" I could tell the way he asked me he was getting mad.

"Devynn was-"

"I put these up for a reason-" He saw that Devynn had the watch in her hand. He had the wrong thought because he asked me if I was giving his stuff away.

"I would never give these away!" I told him.

"It's like four in the morning why exactly is she here then? I'm not trying to be rude but.."

"She was returning them; Drew had um.. well.. stolen them."

"Thank you Devynn. It means a lot," He hugged her, put the sticks away and put the watch on. "There. Now no one can take it." He chuckled.

"Yeah I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

"It's alright just make sure I don't see him. He's pissed me off enough."

"I guess I should head home; I'm so tired."

"Come by tomorrow or something.."

"Sure what for?"

"It's a surprise." He smirked at me and she just gave him a puzzling look. She said she'll be by this weekend and went home. Bobby and I talked in his room so we didn't wake up Cass and Bria and we eventually fell asleep.

       I woke up to Cass and Bria laughing then a guy's laugh..Bobby was underneath my head so it couldn't have been him. I slipped out of bed and walked in the living room. Bria's best friend Joey was play wrestling with Bria and Cass was shouting "Beat her up Twinkie!" which made her laugh even more.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"We're just goofing around don't worry!" Joey said as he pinned Bria to the ground.

"Bobby is sleeping." I say laughing.

"Oh okay, sorry." He said as he got up. Bria smacked his butt and then sat on the couch. I sat down next to Cass and grabbed a my DS.

"Zelda time!" I chanted and started to play. I played for about twenty minutes then Cass and I decided to play League; Bria wanted to join but last time she played she kept saying "There's something bigger than me." It's League. There will always be something larger than you. (Besides Chogaths..their size is ridiculous.)

       We played for a while then we decided to go to the park. Bobby stayed home because he felt sick and didn't want to see sunshine. When we arrived all of us ran to the swing set and tried to see who can swing the highest. We were swinging so high our stomachs were lifting every time we went down.

"Let's jump off!" Cass screamed.

"Are you crazy?" Joey shouted.

"Come on!" She jumped and landed in a sqauting position.  Joey waited until he was lower to jump. I'm not really a fan of jumping off of high levels so I kept swinging. Then a few minutes later Bria jumped. She fell when she landed and we all heard a snap.

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