Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.10}

Start from the beginning

Then something hit me. "Adam where's your mom and dad?" I asked. There was a silence. "I'm going to go check on something" Anne quickly said leaving. Now, I was confused. Then Adam lost that signature smile and I knew something wasn't right.

"Um, mom and dad...died in a plane crash with Anberlin and Connor's parents too. That's why we moved back here" He said looking as if he might cry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I stumbled out feeling guilty for bringing up back memories. "It's ok we came here and found you" he said bringing back a smile, but I could tell it was forced.

Then, before I could blink, Anne was there in front of us. Connor was still quiet. "Uh, Adam can I speak with you outside?" She said. He looked at her, confused. "Yeah, can you watch Connor for a minute?" Adam asked. I nodded. When they left I tried to listen but they had gotten too far away, darn it!

"Sissy Tala, do you wanna watch TV?" He asked looking at me with his big brown eyes. "Sure, why not" I said as he wiggled out of my lap and grabbed the remote, then flipped on the TV. I was surprised he knew how to use it. He seemed very smart for a three year old; even though I'm pretty sure he's almost four.

(Shadow Editor here to tell you that us youth here are all techies, 3 and 4 yr olds work tv remotes!!! That is all. S.E. Over and out. The emote is a shark. (^^^) )

I saw the show 'Adventure Time' was on. I know it sounds pitiful but I love this show. I scooped him back up into my lap so we could watch the TV. (P.S. Adventure Time has so many hidden meanings! it's hilarious! -S.E.)

After a while I hear Adam come in looking stressed but stopped when he saw the TV "How old are you Tala?" he asked sarcastically "Old enough" I said sticking my tongue out at him and smiling while all of Connor's attention was still on the TV.

"So what's up buttercup?" I asked popping the p. Adam frowned "They are kicking us out" He said running a hand through his hair. I noticed this gesture and internally smiled he started doing that when I started climbing really tall trees when we were kids. But then I came back and realized what he had said. I tensed up and heard a growl in my head.

'Let me out and we can rip that landlord apart together'

What? Out? Together?

'Geez, I can't believe you haven't figured out what I am yet'

Of course I have, I have accepted that I am a crazy person that hears a voice in my head and talks back to it.

'No! I'm your wolf stupid your primal animal instinct'

What?! Why didn't you sat anything earlier in life, like I don't you could have told me I was a werewolf!

'Eh, it was too much fun messing with you!'

Whatever! I'm blocking you out now.

And with that I pushed the voice to the back of my mind and came back to what was going on.

Then I got an idea. I pulled my cell phone out and dialed my house number.

A: Hello?

T: Alick, its Tala

A: Oh, hey

T: Uh, how many more rooms do we have unoccupied at the house.

*I saw Adam's eyes get huge and he started making signal telling me not to do it, but do I ever listen?...Of course not!*

A: About 6 or 7 more

T: Dang that's more than I thought

A: Why do you want to know?

T: Well...Can I bring some more people to stay with us their landlord kicked them out.

A: Tala! These are people not pets!

T: Please!!!

A: Ok Tala but be careful because they don't know about you know what.

T: I will, bye!

A: Bye.

I hung up doing a victory dance in my head. I saw Adam glaring at me but I didn't care "It's settled, you guys are living at my house" I said triumphantly. "I get to be with sissy Tala all the time?" Connor said looking at me. I swear this kid is melting me. "Yep, and you even get a room next to mine, so you better go pack!" I said sitting him off my lap so he didn't jump and hurt himself. "Yay!" he squealed running to, what I assumed, was his room.

I laughed and looked to see Anne beside Adam. HOW DOES SHE DO THAT?! "You guys can stay with us we have enough rooms and Connor can have my old room that's made for a kid" I said "And I will not take no for an answer, so go pack" I said crossing my arms to show I was final. Adam laughed and shook his head "You are so stubborn" Adam said flicking my nose and walking upstairs "Did I ever tell you how much I love you" Anne said happily as she gracefully walked up the stairs. About 30 minutes later they were all packed and ready to go.


We had gotten to the house and had introduced everyone, and of course Daray and Brasen were still there. Connor was quiet the whole time. I felt special that he talked to me. All the guys except for Brasen and Daray were looking at Anne and Adam cautiously like they would attack at any minute. Even though this confused me I just thought that it's because they don't know each other yet. Plus I think I saw Beau eyeing Anne.

I saw Daray looking at me weird, so I decided to go for a walk to help me clear my head. "Connor, Sissy Tala is going to go for a walk but I'll be back to give you a bath and put you to bed, ok?" I said to him. He ran up and gave me a hug then ran quickly ran over to Anna and hid behind her leg.

"Be careful out there" Adam said kind of scared like. I smiled at him. Oh if he only knew. "I'll be back later guys" I said slipping on some shoes and walking out the door.

About 15 minutes of walking and thinking later I began to feel like I was being watched, but I shook it off because I just figured one of the guys had followed me because Alick told them to. After a while though I felt like I was being glared at and that's when I knew something was wrong.

I stood completely still listening in to try and hear anything at all that sounded weird. A second later I heard something snap, but before I could even turn all the way around to see who or what it was everything went black. My last thought was sadly,

What the H-E Double Pocky sticks is going on here?



Ok Guys Here's The end. I Want These Questions Answered in Comments PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Whats your Favorite Country Artist if you don't like any then who is your Fav Artist at the Moment (i want to Know more about my Fans, Sue me!!!)

-Who's your Favorite Character so Far?

-Are you people Really Serious about wanting a lambchop POV???????

-Really People No one has Guessed whats up with Anberlins name!?!?! Think about it, Anberlin Augustana Cartel!

-And lastly Please tell me any Sugestions you have or if you Just plain out loved it!

Thats It Please guys Comment and Remember to Thank our Lovely Shadow Editor In your Comments also!

Peace,Love, & Unicorns <3

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