[2] Starlight

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Raven's POV

I woke up by the ringing of my alarm ar 7:00. I raised my hands and reach for my alarm near my bed. As it turns off, i try to get out of bed as much as i can and get into my slippers. looking at the corner side of our room, i see Apple already awake and taking a sip of her coffee with her glasses on reading the latest news on the campus.

"Good morning Raven!" she sing song greeted me without looking and continue scrolling through her Mirrorphone . Gosh i really hate her when she does that. It's like she's insulting me.

"Morning." I tiredly said and lead to the mini kitchen in our dorm. I boil water as i leave it and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After a few minutes, I hear the kettle whistling just right after i brushed my teeth. I gargoyled then head to the kitchen to turn off the keetle. I created my coffee and sit onto the mini table where Apple was sitting.

"Hey Apple," i greeted her and slid onto the chair opposite side from her. "Any great news you read today?"

"Well, I wasn't reading the news." she answered. "I was hexting my mom so she'd let me borrow some of her jets. I'm really looking forward for the trip tomorrow."

"Really? so any replies yet?"

"Not ye-, wait. OMG Raven! Mom approve!" Apple spills her coffee in hexcitement. She really is looking forward for that trip.

"Wow really? Come on lets tell the other girls! they'd be hexcited too!"

"What do you mean? Do they already know about the trip?"

"Yep, i hext them last night."

"Last night?" Apple confused. "But i saw you sleep last night at 6:47 . If you were awake then, Madam Yaga might known it because she checks every night."

"You know me, I have powers, and that includes giving the illussion that i'm asleep."

"So , What time do you sleep last night?" Apple asked.

"11:00 pm." I answered.

"Do you often sleep that time?"

"Well, It's mostly 10:00 when i sleep." She had no idea that i sleep later than she thought. I'm not the only people who still awakes anyways in that time.
Besides, Darling, Cerise, Ramona and Justine were still up that time. It's not only me.

"Are there people still up that time?" Apple asked and takes a sip of her coffee.

"There are several. But that's mostly related to their story." I answered. "By the way Apple, i invited almost ten people. Well, maybe above ten."

"Well, you can invite many as you can." Apple finished her coffee and stood now and head to the kitchen sink to wash her cup of tea. "Besides, theres more plenty of space to sit on." She continued.

"If you'll excuse me Raven, how do you tell them?" Apple added.

"I created a group chat." i replied. Apple looks mad and now done with washing the cup.

"How come i'm not included in that group chat?" Apple madly said.

"Sorry, I forgot." I replied calmly. "I'll add you later." I walk to the bathroom and begin cleaning myself before i go to school.

Fast forward, I'm done with everything and finished eating breakfast. My first, second and third class were done and it's break for a couple of minutes. After i put my things in my locker and take those i'll need later, i head to the castle-teria and take foods. It's Apple, Chicken nugget, a few Vegetables, Potato salad and an orange juice. As always, the girls are already in our table. there was Apple, Briar, Ashlynn, Maddie, and Cerise.

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