Chapter 17

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Dinner was amazing. We sat in a reserved section and the food was great. It was everything I imagined it to be.

"Today was amazing guys." I said, kissing Liam on the cheek.

"It was." Liam smiled.

"I can't believe they gave us wine!" Niall said, referring to the difference from the American drinking age to the one in Ireland and England.

"I can't believe Layla drank five glasses." Harry said. "Trying to get tipsy?"

"I'm not tipsy!" But I knew I was slightly. 

"Yeah, uh huh." Harry winked.

"Here's some water." Niall handed me a cold bottle that I drank down quickly. I felt a lot better. 

"Thanks." I threw the bottle in the limo's trash.

"We've arrived at the hotel." The driver announced.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at him.

'You're very welcome, pretty girl." I smiled at him and we all got out of the car. It was a little after eight and all the fans were gone.

"Can we go swimming?" I asked.

"I was just thinking that." Louis said.

"Sounds good. Let's go get changed!" Liam said.

"Race ya to the room." I said, removing my heels and taking off my charm bracelet that Liam got me. 

"Let's go!" Liam took off running to the elevator that was open. He laughed as it closed.

"Layla! That ones open!" Niall said, running into the elevator, followed by me, Zayn, and Louis. We pressed the button to our floor quickly and laughed when someone stopped Liam's elevator. We reached the floor before him and Louis unlocked the door with the key card.

"Victory is mine!" I shouted as Liam ran into the room. Niall and Harry hoisted me onto their shoulders, parading through the room.

"You just got lucky." Liam said, as they laid me in his arms. He kissed me and carried me to our room. He laid me on the bed and started kissing me.

"I thought we were going swimming." Niall said, leaning against the door post.

"We are." I laughed, sitting up. Liam's hair was messed up and I'm sure mine was pretty crazy.

"Then go get changed!" Louis said,

"Yeah. Stop making out." Harry winked, making me blush and Liam went bright red. I ran to change and when I came back, the boys were ready to go. I grabbed towels and we walked downstairs to the pool that was outdoors this time. 

I took off the large T-shirt I was wearing threw it onto a table along with my phone. I had removed my make up so my scar was visible. When I looked down at my leg, I saw there was a bruise. After I got home from the hospital, I would find bruises everywhere. Most of them have faded, but there are two on my legs and one on my arm. Luckily, you can't see them. Everyone had jumped into the pool but Niall and I.

I looked at my best friend and saw him staring at the pool, still wearing his shirt.

"Niall, it's us. I've seen you shirtless three times since we've been here." 

"I know." He said.

"Now take it off." I whispered.

"Okay." He laughed and he grabbed my hand and we jumped in together, after getting cheers from the boys. 

"Layla!" Liam called me over.

"Yes?" I smiled, his brown eyes were shining.

"I love you." 

And then his lips crashed against mine.

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