Interlinked ( New chapter)

Start from the beginning

" We're counting on you ! ", she yells from a distance, leaving us both inside the lab dumbfounded.


T'challa pov *

Coming towards the lip of the great mound I emerged from the wreckage already. I see Killmonger, Nakia, W'Kabi, Boredtribesman and more gawk at me like they'd seen my ghost. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

" He lives ", I hear Okoye beam.

" N'Jadaka !!! ", I roared. I watch Erik clinch his jaws as he watched me from afar.

" Wassup ?! ", he smirks smugly.

" I never yielded and as you can see, I am not dead ", I motioned towards my body.

" All that challenge shit is over with. I'm the King now. Get those planes in the air and carry out the mission ", Erik commands the guardsmen.

" W'Kabi, Kill this clown ", Killmonger scuffs.

" W'Kabi! The challenge is not complete ", Okoye reminds him. I can see the border tribe become unsure. They were visibly nervous, as was W'Kabi. I knew W'Kabi. He would not back down in fear of embarrassment.

" Border tribe !!! ", He yelled. The men stood at attention before crouching in defense, preparing to attack me. W'Kabi pulled out his sword and triggered the sonic field around it. He pointed it towards me and the boarder tribesman lined up in a battle formation and charged towards me.

The shields shot sonic blasts towards me but I avoided each one by inches as I charged towards them meeting them halfway. With the border in formation, their blankets create a high sonic shield that makes it impossible for me to pass. I decide to jump over it before it grew any wider or taller. With my quick think I delivered a sonic blow to the first row of the boarder tribesman that sends them flying. W'Kabi leads the second charge of tribesman trying to slash me with their spears. I'm able to release a hard blow on W'Kabi that sends him flying back.

" W'Kabi, STOP THIS ! ", I warn.

W'Kabi proceeds to run to a hill and climbs on top of a rock to. He pulls out a large horn from his heavily padded armor. The rhinos were officially unleashed. They crashed around the wreckage behind ms. W'Kabi hops on his rhino, charging for me.

Harper pov *

An F-16 cockpit emerged from the purple sand  that simulated the piloting control system.

" Remote piloting system activated ", the computer spoke as the system rebooted to accommodate Ross.

" I made it American style for you ", Shuri's voice floated through Ross's bracelet. Ross hops in and starts up the simulated ship.

" We can't let those weapons get past Wakanda ", I warned. Shuri co-signed.

" I'm on it ", Ross tapped into his piloting skills. Eventually he came across the air crafts loaded with supplies.

" Okay what do I do now ? ", Ross panicks.

" Shoot it genius ! ", Shuri yelled through the device . Ross hesitated from anxiety.

" You got it ! Look ! ", I noticed a red target cursor pops up on display.

" Drag it ", I encourage.

Ross guides the cursor over the cargoship and fires. The RTF goes into battle mode, weapons pop out all over the craft. The RTF launches a blast that blows up the first cargo ship. Ross and I watch as the cargo plummets to the ground in shock.
A long silence transpired before he speaks into his Kimoyo bead.

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