Chapter 24

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Sam's POV:

No more procrastinating seeing him... I have to do this. I owe Zoe big time, after all this is over I'll have to do something for her. I grab the beanie I was wearing and place it in the coffin with him.

"I know it's not as meaningful as the others, but yeah. You were the one that bought me my first one, so I thought you should have my favorite one. You helped me pick this one out and I'm forever thankful. The best advice you gave me about these things was to get one that looked good with a nice outfit and a lazy outfit. So I now pass my lucky beanie to you, take care of it for me."

Troye's POV:

Sam comes back to the group and I quietly walk away from them towards the coffin.

"I never got to tell you everything... You went to his house because of me, and now I've gotten you killed. I'm so sorry, I'll never be able to forgive myself for this. But I brought this. It was supposed to be my vlogging camera, you convinced me over the phone to buy it. You promised to teach me how to vlog... But you can't now. So that's means I won't be vlogging. It feels wrong to do it."

Tyler's POV:

I don't even look up when Troye walks back over towards me. I just slowly walk to the coffin like it is going to bite me.

"Connor... You were, no you are my best friend. If that gun would have fired correctly we'd swap places. I never meant to hurt you or anyone. I'm so sorry, I love you so stinking much. I have two things I wanted to give you, I couldn't pick between the two. First is my YouTube burn book, I added the other o2l boys for you. Remember when I texted you to watch it and you got so mad, but was acting the whole time. That's a good memory... Second thing is this, the picture of all of us from the lads holiday. It's your favorite picture, I remembered it because I had planned to give it to you for a birthday present. But I wanted you to have it. Thanks for always being my friend and always being there for me. I just wish I had a rewind button I could press to fix all of this..."

Ricky's POV:

This is a day I wish to forget, because I don't want to lose him. Not now. Not ever. But against my wishes I feel myself walking towards him and the coffin he lays in. I can't help but feel tears fall and my heart cracking even more.

"Oh my beautiful and talented Connor. I should've never let you out of my sight. Even though you are gone, my love for you will never die or go away. Connor I can't let you go and find someone else, because you are the only one that matters to me. When your mom told us we could put something in the coffin. I instantly picked this. My Nintendo and favorite Pokemon game... I hope you realized how much you meant to me. I love you Connor Franta. Forever Con, forever."

I wipe away a few fallen tears before slowly kissing his forehead then lips.

Author's Note:

I'm not okay, emotionally. But I hope y'all like this chapter! Even though it is sad and short. Comment what you think? I love getting feedback, makes me feel like y'all care about this story.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! ILYSM!

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So the time has come to bid you a farewell, I shall see you Monday!

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