Graduation (Epilogue)

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1 month later

Arielle's POV:

It was finally graduation day, and I was ecstatic, and it was also the day I was gonna introduce Jennifer to my parents. Not as my teacher, but as my girlfriend.

My chest wound had not fully healed but it was definitely better, I just had to take pain meds and I was good. Jennifer was with me the whole month, either with her sneaking into my room or me going to her house, so was with me, helping me with whatever I need, and even if I didn't need anything she was still with me.

I was currently lined up with Simon with my cap and gown on. I head my hair straightened and was wearing a purple dress. We were waiting for the graduation to start.

A few minutes later the people in the front on the line started to walk down the aisle, and I started to grow nervous.

I was wearing 3-inch heels, shoes that I never wear. What happened if I tripped and made a fool out of myself?

"Arielle." I heard someone call.

I looked over and saw that it was Simon.


"We're up next he said." I Looked and saw that actually were next up. This made me even more nervous.

"Hey Arielle relax, just breathe in and breathe out. Everything is gonna be alright." He said.

I did what he said and it helped a little bit. "Thanks Simon."I said to him.

One of the ushers gave us a nod and we started walking down the aisle. I looked around to see if Jennifer was here and she was. I took my time to look her over. Her blonde hair was curled and she had on make-up. She had on a tight blue dress that showed a little cleavage. She looked pretty sexy to say the least. We suddenly made eye contact and I felt a blush creep onto my face. She smiled at me and did a little wave. I smiled back at her and went to my seat and waited for the rest of my classmates to walk in.

During the last month I had admitted my feelings to myself.

Yes I was in love with Jennifer. Big whoop.

I was always in love with Jennifer it just took me a while to realize it and I was going to tell her after the graduation.

After all the students had walked in. The principal said a little speech but I wasn't listening I was looking at Jennifer the whole time.

Soon they were calling up the names for the diplomas and lucky me they were in alphabetical order so I was one of the first people up.

"Arielle Agostinelli." the principal said into the microphone.

I got up and headed towards the stage. I shook hands with the principal and smile, just in case people were taking pictures. I grabbed my diploma and headed to my seat and saw that Jennifer was looking at me, but she seemed different. She had this faraway look in her eyes. I would have to talk to her about it later.

I sat back in my seat and pretended to be paying attention to the ceremony.

I didn't even know half of these kids existed. I thought to myself.

After what felt like an hour later the ceremony was finished.

"And I now present the class of 2014." The principal said into the microphone and my classmates erupted into a bunch of cheers. Some people were throwing their caps up into the air, others were crying.

Soon they let us out and I searched for Jennifer. I looked through the whole crowd but could not find her anywhere. I ran into Jaylin and asked "Hey, do you know where Jennifer is?, I have something to tell her."

She looked at me with a pitiful expression on my face and took a paper out of her pocket and handed it to me.

"What is this?" I asked her.

She just shook her head, not answering.

I opened up the paper and saw that it was a letter, it read:

To Arielle,

Hey Arielle it's Jennifer. Congrats you're finally done with high school. I'm guessing you're probably wondering where I am right now. I'm at the airport, probably on the plane if the flights go as planned. You're most likely wondering why I'm on a plane right now, and not celebrating with you about how you graduated. But I had to leave. When I saw you in that hospital and you were unconscious, I had no idea if you were going to wake up or not. You could've died, and it would've been my fault, because of my stupid actions I got you hurt, almost got you killed. Whenever I saw you laugh, but stopped because your chest would hurt... I couldn't help thinking that, in a sense, it was me causing your pain. So while I was with you while you were recovering, I was thinking to myself about how much pain I've caused you and then I realized that you would be better off without me. You could date someone else, explore your options. And with the next person you see you will probably be able to go out with them in public and not have to worry about being seen with someone you know. I know you say you don't mind it, but I know you do, I know you crave for a relationship that all your friend's have, and I can't give you that without us having to go to completely different state. So I had to leave, because I knew that if I tried to distance myself from you it wouldn't work and I would end up right back with you again... and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let you get hurt again because of me. I love you too much to let that happen to you. You're probably gonna hate me for this but I don't care, because if I have to choose with you hating me or you living. I would take you hating me any day. I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you in person, because if I did, just looking at you would've made me stay.

I love you,


I looked up at Jaylin, and she looked at me with a sad expression on her face.

This couldn't be true.

I quickly grabbed her wrist and took her to my car, once she stepped inside the car I sped off.

Once we arrived I quickly went to the door and took the key out of my pocket. I unlocked the door and was greeted by an empty apartment. The walls were bare and there was no furniture in any of the rooms.

I broke down and bursted into a heap of tears, Jaylin came to my side and pulled me into a hug. and I cried and cried and cried.

Did Jennifer think she was right? That she had to do this? Mason wasn't going to hurt us. He's been missing for a month and when they did find him he was going to be locked up, my parents made sure of it. I never once blamed her for what happened to me so why did she blame herself? I put myself in the way of the bullet... that was my choice.

I didn't even get to tell her I loved her.


AN: There it is guys, this is the final chapter of In Love With My Student. How did you guys like the book? Let me know. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

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