Part 33: Last day

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Y/N P.O.V:

It's finally the last day of school.

I haven't been able to look Jimin in the eye or talk to him since Monday night.

Even answering questions in class is hard and he's been purposely asking me.

After school at home I've been avoiding him too.

I don't want to be rejected or my feelings to get stronger.

I don't know how i'm going to avoid him when we break up from school.

I just need to get through this class then I can sort it all out, everyone is going away in the holidays so I can't even just hangout with them, well everyone but Jungkook but he's working so we are only going out on his days off if he isn't tired; he tried to make plans everyday but I decided it would be best not to so he doesn't get burned out.

Haru is feeling better now than he did on Monday, we don't think it was food poisoning but he's feeling better now so that's good; he did get really shy when he came in on Wednesday so Kook said maybe it was a sign we shouldn't go out on dates which made me laugh and Haru shy away.

Obviously I told Jungkook about what happened with Jimin because I told him and he ended up freaking out, wait I should be more specific, freaking out in a good way.


I just got a text.

"Sorry not sorry - Yoongi"

What has he done?-

"Miss Y/N get off your phone please, i'll be seeing you after class for a detention. I thought I made it clear after the first time you had detention but clearly not." Jimin said from the front of the class.

Oh no.

Wait is this what Yoongi meant?

"Have fun." Kook chuckled down my ear quietly.


——— After school ———

Class just ended and everyone is walking out of class and saying good bye to Jimin saying how they hope he enjoys his holiday and all that rubbish.

They get to leave and I'm stuck here with my heart beating out of my chest.

I don't know why but I'm so nervous.

Maybe it's because of the look he gave me before after giving me the detention, a smile of joy and evil.

Jungkook literally ran out of the class like a hyper bunny as soon as we all got dismissed saying "Have fun." Before leaving.

He's so annoying but I love him because he's my best friend.

Yes I know we haven't known each other that long but we connected straight away on a 'spiritual level' or whatever.

I wonder if I'll be able to see him leaving from the window...

"Miss Y/N." Jimin said making me jump.

"Is there a issue outside?" He asked looking out of the window where my attention was.

"Nope." I said quickly before looking down at the floor.

I don't want him to notice how nervous I am.

"Do you have any homework to be getting on during this detention?" He asked before pulling a chair up next to me.

Maybe this will just be a normal detention.

"A maths calculator question and some Japanese work." I said getting the work from my bag.

"Ah do you want to know away to remember two functions on a calculator but is still relevant to your Japanese, well when spoken badly at least." He asked resting his head on his hand.

"Sure?" I said not sure of what to expect.

"Well you can call me your SinPi." He said back to me with a evil smile on his face which made my heart race and blood go straight to my head.

Be cool.

"It's said sine not sin." I corrected him trying to stay calm.

"Well I never claimed not to be a sinner." He said readjusting where he was sat to be more angled towards me.

"And how does pie come into it?" I asked expecting him to have no response.

"Well that's because I'm a snack." He said before laughing.

Ugh worst pick up lines ever.

"Well then there's no relevance if you word it that way so your link doesn't work Mr Park." I said to him avoiding eye contact, Well face contact.

No not like that, I just didn't want to see his expression piercing into me.

"Well then Miss Y/N." He said mocking my tone of voice "Maybe if you'd have linked one and one together by now you'd realise I'm trying to flirt with you."

And there goes the thudding in my chest again.

"Why?" I said looking down expecting him to say something like he was joking or to annoy me.

"Because I love you." He said before getting a warmer smile, warmer but with the same amount of danger as the last; danger of a heart attack.

"Stop joking and be serious Jimin..." I said letting my voice trail off.

"I am being serious. I wouldn't say it if I wasn't." He cutely said before pouting.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes turning my chair away from him.

"Jeez." He said before getting up and turning my chair towards him.

"Do I really need to prove it to you?" He asked leaning close to me.

He's so close, I can feel all the blood rushing to my face.

"Prove it-" I started saying before he threw his lips on mine, both out lips working together.

Okay if I'm not red by this point I am now.

Like a instinct I started kissing back.

Maybe he is being serious or am I just letting myself get caught up in a non real thing?

Could he actually like me and I'm just doubting myself?

"Is that enough proof?" He said with a smirk on his face as if he knew I wouldn't be convinced and knowing that I'd let him kiss me again.

I shyly shook my head before he gently tilted my face up towards his giving me little kisses softly.

Maybe detention isn't to bad lol.

Damn it, I really need to stop thing the literal word 'lol' if I say it in front of Jimin I think I'll actually pass out.

"We're going out." Jimin said pulling away from me.

"Tonight at 6 so get going home and get ready, there's a surprise waiting for you on your bed." He said smiling down towards me.

"Where are we going and what is it?" I asked understandably.

"Well it's a surprise. It wouldn't be a good one if I told you now would it?" He said rhetorically back at me.

I put all my stuff in my bag before leaving Jimin and his bad pick up lines in class.

I wonder what we're doing tonight.

Forbidden Love: What's the worst that can happen? - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now