Part 4: Class begins

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Y/N P.O.V:

Thank god i'm finally here, the problem is the nerves are setting in now and to be honest i'm scared.

I'm wishing for the best hoping I make some friends and that I have a good teacher, if that works out then I don't have to worry but knowing my luck nothings gonna go my way just like the living condition i'm stuck with for the next month or so.

Damn it, what is it with my luck.

The good thing is everyone here looks nice so that should work out I hope, other than that i'm a bit unsure about everything else.

Shit, I don't know my way around and everyone who is already here are all doing clubs, this is the exact reason why I didn't want to come early.

Fucking Park Jimin, being "nice enough" to bring me and Taehyung to school.

His "nice" is my hell, I bet he planned this whole thing from the start; He's SO annoying.

------15 mins before class------


I'm lost.

I guess i'm gonna have to ask someone, this'll be so awkward, what is my cringe life? it's like it's straight out of bad fanfic.

"Excuse me?" huh, I turned around in confusion looking up to meet the eyes with the tall, brown haired man-child in front of me tilting my head to prompt him to talk.

He's cute.

"I'm so so sorry to interrupt you but i'm new here and I don't know where my class is, I was wondering if you could send me in the right direction?" He asked awkwardly rubbing his head with a cute bunny smile on his adorable face.

"You see I wish I could help you but i'm in the same boat as you, I have no clue where i'm going lol" I did NOT just say lol out loud, shit.

"Well then it looks like we have to be lost together" He said laughing.

Crapppp i'm so embarrassed, he seems nice though.

"Lost buddies?" He said tilting his head again.

"Lost buddies, my name is Y/N." I said smiling.

"Jeon Jungkook, i'm in PJM class what about you?" He said holding out his hand.

I shook his hand and said "Same but I have no clue who or where it is."

"Well we'll just have to find it together, lets go." He said re-grabbing my hand dragging me in a random direction, I followed him.

After that their was some general small talk, I found out that he lived and worked in the area but had to move school because his other one was closing, we also talked about moving and stuff because he had to move countries a lot to when he was younger and he had more in common with me than I expected, thank god we're in the same class otherwise this would've been ten times worse.

We finally made it too class and since it was the start of new year nobody had seats so we all stood around the edge of the classroom, it was a class of 26.

The whole class was mumbling about the new teacher, I heard little snippets about him being "hot", "charming", "irresistible", "young prodigy" basically a load of cringe ass shit that makes me wanna throw up.

Like honestly how can they believe all this bull, like how can a person take a full class with such little experience, prodigy or not I can't believe it.

Speaking of not believing I don't believe he exists since he's late for class, prodigy or not being late on his first day as an official teacher is bad.

"Hello class, sorry i'm late. My name is Mr Park and i'll be your teacher this year. I apologies for being late but there was an incident out side which had to be dealt with. I understand if you have a negative image of me now but I hope as the year goes on I can persuade you otherwise."





"Its okay", "Oh my gosh he's so cute", "Yes we got the new guy" and little screams were coming from everyone in the classroom, everyone except me of course because I already know the nice guy act was that, an act.

How is this even allowed, and my mum and dad knew this, like what the hell honestly.

Please tell me Jungkookisn't flouting over him too, he's already got all the boys and girls all over him.

"Y/N" I heard my name as a hand patted my shoulder, I turned to face the person and it was Jungkookwith his bunny smile on his face.

"The girls are going mad over him heh even some of the guys are, understandably ha, why aren't you" Jungkookasked teasing.

"Because it's too much fun watching you drool over him, someones gotta look out for you and make sure they don't see your drool." I said wiping imaginary drool off his chin laughing.

"Okay class, why don't we all take our seats, I pre planned out a seating plan but with two more additions to our class than originally planned I may have to re-arrange, we'll see how it goes first." Jimin said pushing his hair out of his face readjusting his glasses.

We all got into our seats and Jimin reluctantly put me and Jungkooksitting next to each other, I don't know why.

After that class began, the first half went by without an issue.

The second on the other hand went down hill pretty fast.

We all got back to class after our break and then class started, Yoongi messaged me asking what i thought of my new teacher being the jerk he was, so I went to respond.

But no it couldn't be simple, no warnings or anything, my phone was confiscated by Jimin and I was on a detention which came out of no where.

Here I was thinking he'd actually be civil.

Jungkooktried to defend me but it didn't really work so I told him to leave it before he got in trouble so he did.

That's it basically, now all I have to do is the after school detention which hopefully won't be too long, Yoongi better hope it lasts though because he's the first person i'm going for as soon as I get out of this place.

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