Part 16: Lesson 3

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Y/N P.O.V:

Actually he really was dripping with good looks and his new hair made him harder to resist because of the new found confidence he already got from it.

Damn, maybe I did want a repeat...

Nope, bad thoughts Y/N we've already thought about this and the answer is NO, just NO.

"Nope but I thought since I saved your hair, which would've effected how people saw you meaning the looks you use on people to get what you want, that maybe you'd help me out a little." I said compromising avoiding the part of me that just wanted to kiss him-

No, these thoughts are happening to often for me to handle.

"Did you just say my looks get me what I want?" He said questioning me with an evil smile on his big pouty lips.

"I've seen you keep a class in line, you have the boys and the girls all over you Mr Park." I said in a confident voice knowing I'd get what I wanted.

What is it I want again? The answers or him...

"Well then Miss Y/N, if we're addressing each other like this. Your in my class which means you must be a sucker for my looks too." He said now leaning the top of his body forward with the his arms resting on his back.

"Or maybe, just maybe, I decided to give my step brother a break so decided to be good." I said curious to see how he'd respond.

"Well then, since I'm your step brother and your insistent on pointing it out you don't have an issue with seeing me do this." He said slowly taking his shirt off from the front showing his abs and chiseled chest which had water droplets on.

He looks so hot right now, I can't take my eyes off of him.

Oh no I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

Wait- he's close to me, has he always been this close?

Why am I so off guard around him and how is he doing this to me?

I don't even know what it is that he's doing but it's working.

"Well then, you've gone awfully quiet." He said giving me a over powering look.

"Put your shirt back on" I said trying to avoid eye contact and trying to look away from his abs.

"Why? I'm your step brother, this is fine isn't it you said so yourself. Y/N? Your not possibly thinking about inappropriate things are you." He said teasing me with a fake shocked face.

He knows exactly what I'm thinking, or he thinks he does, I can't actually think of anything beyond admiring because I'm so fluster.

He looks so good with blond hair, it was a good change but I can't decide what I like better.

But like his hair something about his personality changed, is this all because of confidence?

"I-I..." I tried to speak but words just wouldn't come out so I looked down at the floor feeling my cheeks burning.

"Wow your speechless. There really is a first time for everything. Now you know how I felt the first time I met you." He said taking another step closer.

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