Part 19: Heartache

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Jimin P.O.V:

"Why me?"

That's simple, it's because I love you.

But even though I know that I can't tell you it, even after today and you accepting me in a more intimate way.

Every part of me wants what I can't have, you.

Fooling around is okay but I know it can never get more than this, that it'll never get more than this.

I'm so happy to have what I have but a part of me wants more, the part of me which breaks hearts which I don't want to happen to you...

So I'll keep breaking my heart instead to keep yours in one piece because in the short time I've known you, your happiness became mine.

You gave me the ability to love a woman again which I didn't think I'd be able to do after my mother pasted...

Thank you Y/N, I'm more grateful to you than you would ever know.

Y/N P.O.V:

Jeez what have I gotten myself into.

Earlier after Jimin dozed off I went and got him a blanket before running away to my room.

Why did I react like that?

I know I thought fuck it but why did I actually let it happen?

Did all my brain cells explode? Did I loose my mind?

That's got to be it, I've gone insane.

Ughhh when I'm around him I can't think straight; or is it I think more seriously?

I don't know but it makes me question myself so much.

This is a case of what I knowing but still ignoring.

Okay he's cute, caring, hot, smart, passionate, funny, annoying, charming and he has swag.

But he's my teacher AND my step brother which makes things complicated.

Let's just think about this from one view instead of another.

Hypothetically if he wasn't my step brother or teacher what would I do?

Damn it's obvious I'd go for him in the drop of a heart beat, I hate to admit it but it's true, even though he's not the guy I'd typically go for I've fallen for him...









We being I but anyways.

He's my step brother so I can't fall for him, plus I'm 99% sure all the girls in my class would kill me if I did and they found out I was in a position like I am in.

Damn it why do things have to be so complicated.

I refuse to admit I like him.

I just can't.

Like he's my family I shouldn't see him as any other way but a part of me wants to follow after him.

Apart of me in optimistic thinking what's the worst that can happen but I know the reality of the situation.

It hurts.

Having to censor my own thoughts and opinions.

Even if Jimin didn't start making moves towards me I know I'd have still ended up liking him as much as I already do and I know it'd be harder because I'd think I was the only one with even remote thoughts like that.


I care about you more than a step sister should...

And I'm sorry about that...

But the fact can't change that I'm your step sister can't change...

But neither can my feelings towards you...

I hope you can forgive me some day...

My heartaches when I think about you, your smile, your eyes, your voice...

I lo-

*Buzz Buzz*

Forbidden Love: What's the worst that can happen? - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now