Part 30: Ditching

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Jimin's P.O.V:

I can't do this.

When we got into the cinema we ended up running into Lisa's friends and sat near them which was coincidently had Y/N in my direct view.

Lisa can't be mad if I ask to leave since I payed for the film and food, plus she's with her friends.

I just can't sit here and watch them.

I'm not ready for this yet.

I'm not ready to let go. 

"I just remembered I had a meeting tonight over the phone that's pretty important, you don't mind if I go do you."

I lied.

"If it's important I don't mind plus this was all pretty last minute. You can make it up to me by buying me a drink sometime." She said trying to flirt.

I got my wallet out and gave her some money with her looking confused.

"For you to get a drink, my treat."

I think she got the message that I wasn't interested.

She must think I'm stupid.

Well I must be to be walking away from this, away from a girl like her.

"Goodnight Lisa see you in work." I said getting out of my seat and walking to the exits straight past Y/N getting a final glimpse before leaving. 

She looks so happy...

I'll never be able to make her feel that way...

Y/N P.O.V:

We all got into our seats with the film about to start when I noticed Jimin leaving.

He had all of his stuff with him and seemed kind of sad even though he had no emotion on his face.

"I'm not feeling to well." Haru said looking at me with a frown.

Thank god.



"Are you okay? Do you need a drink or something? Do you want to go? It's a long film and I can't make you sit through it not well." I said trying to hide my relief.

"Ughhh I really don't feel good." He complained leaning back in his seat.

"But I don't want to have wasted your night or our time together." He said rubbing his head.

"Hey, we're friends. Well always hang out another time plus I can just watch it online." I said trying to offer comfort.

"Friends... one day I'll get you too think of me more than that." He said before groaning.

"Are you sure your okay with leaving?" He said with a frown on his face.

"Yep it just means I get to go on call with my family earlier. I probably wouldn't have been able to stay the whole film anyways I just didn't want to let you down." I said smiling shyly and innocently at him.

"Let's go then, thanks for making time for me tonight even though it was last minute."

"Anytime now lets get you home and with some medicine." I said starting to get up.

We ended up leaving and I took the keys for the car driving Haru back to his house because he was starting to get dizzy.

I made sure he was okay before leaving and calling Jimin on route for Home.

*ring ring , ring ring*

"Hello?" I heard a breathy voice say.

"Oh so your not ignoring my calls now?" I said sarcastically.

"Fuck." I heard him say under his breath before hearing something get hit.

"That's a nice way to talk to someone." I said sarcastically again.

"I saw you leave the cinema and you didn't look happy Is everything okay?" I asked sounding concerned.

Not just sounding, I was concerned.

"..." There was no response just heavy breathing.

"Jimin?" I said thinking he didn't hear me.

"Where are you now?" He asked finally responding.

"Walking back from Haru's because he's ill." I said back to him.

"When you come in go downstairs to the basement it's unlocked." He said before hanging up.

That was weird.

I wonder why he's down there.

Jimin's P.O.V:

Fuck I shouldn't have just said that.

That's the jealous part of me speaking.

I just want her with me even though I'm trying not to.

I'll just ask her how it went hen send her on her way.

I'll focus on what I'm doing and not on the fact she was just on a date.

I just ditched on my date and hers ended up ending too, I don't know if it was even worth getting so stressed over.

Well I'll find out when she gets here I guess.

Just picturing them together makes me want to break something I thought before punching my boxing bag thing.

Forbidden Love: What's the worst that can happen? - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now