Part 23: Haru

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Y/N P.O.V:

"At least you don't have to worry about it anymore. I guess that's a plus side." I said trying to comfort him.

"That's true, plus I didn't really like her anymore anyway. I just wanted to stay with her after all we went through thinking I didn't deserve someone who was nicer, she was always a bit of a jerk when I'd message her. It wasn't really a good relationship but I still fell for her." He said finally making eye contact.

"That must've been hard for you..." I said my voice trailing off.

"No need to look so sad over it, I'm not." He said quickly changing his tone of voice and posture to be more energetic.

"There's a new girl I like anyways." He said smiling at me.

He's got a cute smile, considering how mature he looks with his dark black hair and long fringe with his blue eyes; it caught me off guard.

"That's really good then, moving on's the best way to get over a person" I said drinking more of my drink.

Why did Jimin pop into my head then, I'd manage to not think about him for the past 40 minutes.

"You think so?" He said in a questioning tone playfully.

"Hmm well I'd say yes but you might have a different experience from me." I said playing around back.

"Do you think I should tell her?" He asked again with a more sneaky smile.

"Yeh you should, is she here? Go tell her now? Surprise her and sweep her off her feet." I said before bursting out laughing.

"I can't tell if your being serious or not." He said back smiling with his eyes.

"You may as well do it, now or never, live in the moment. I wouldn't be here talking to you now if I didn't." I said before laughing and grabbing another glass off the trays being carried around, quickly texting Tae like I promised.

"I think your a bit drunk Y/N." He said smiling down at me.

"I think so too." I said looking down and the pile of glasses building up near me before laughing and nearly falling over, imma regret this tomorrow but I don't actually feel that bad other than finding everything funny and well falling.

"Come on let's go find Jungkook and get you home safe and away from all these people." He said in a caring way.

"Oki~" I said to him before giggling again.

I'd never been a giggly drunk before I'm normally a clingy one, I guess since no one was here for me to stick too I got giggly instead.

"Y/N~" Jungkook said before running over with his arms open looking like the happiest man alive.

"Kookie~" I said back hugging him.

"I got lost and couldn't find you for ages I'm sorry." He said hugging me tightly.

"It's all good Haru talked to me when I was stood alone." I said giggling.

"I owe you one man." Look said before they did a weird hand shake shoulder bump thing.

"Anytime. She's a cutie." Haru said back winking at me.

Did I just see that right?

"I'll walk you guys out." He said leading us both to the car.

Kook opened the door for me before running around to his side.

As I tried climbing in the car I fell back and Haru caught me.

"This was was supposed to be the other way round. You were supposed to be falling for me not making me fall for you more." He said before helping me up.

"Y/N are you okay?" Jungkook said worried.

"Yep I'm fine, thanks for catching me and having us." I said before giggling and getting in the car.

I didn't think I was this drunk that I'd be making random things up in my head because I doubt Haru just said he fell for me more.

I got in the car and as we drove me and Jungkook just burst out laughing at the situation we were just in.

"I thought you didn't like parties?" He said teasing me before starting to drive.

"I don't, I hate them. This was so awkward." I said before laughing again.

"Let's not do this again, I couldn't even drink because I was to stressed." He said looking at me.

"I started drinking then lost count, but it's cool because we don't have to go school tomorrow." I said laughing.

We started driving off and heading towards my house.

This night was definitely something random.

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