Part 12: Lesson 2

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Y/N P.O.V:

After 5 hours I finally woke up from my nap freaking out when I saw my clock said it was 6 pm.

Jeez, I knew I was tired but I didn't think I would sleep for this long, it's because of all the worrying I did trying to find him.

I had plans to watch all my shows today and that all got stopped by him.

He couldn't even carry him self up to bed he just passed out on the couch.

Before I ended up actually falling asleep I got up and too him a blanket then left him again.

Honestly I have no idea what was going through his mind.

But whats done's done, and there's nothing that can change it; but there's also nothing stopping me from using it to get a bit of a break when it comes to school.

I know I shouldn't but i'm only gonna use it to get treated normally in class, kinda like a detention repellent.

I think it's about time Jimin should wake up anyways, i'll be nice and break the news to him when he's still sleepy - that way he's less likely to complain.

I got out of bed and put my hair up and then ran down the stairs, he was still asleep.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed an apple, eating it before I went and sat in the living room.

He looked cute asleep, I almost don't wanna wake him up.

I got off the chair I through myself on and sat crouched down in front of him.

Up close I could see every part of his face, his big brown eyes, his pouty lips and a single red piece of hair that fell onto his face.

Without realizing I reached out and started to move it away from his face.

Almost immediately his hand grabbed mine making me fall closer to him centimeters away from his face.

"Hello kitten, can I ask what you were doing so close to me as I slept? Where you trying to steal a kiss as I slept?" He said with a evil smile on his face, the complete opposite of the innocence he had when he slept.

He definitely just called me kitten.

"Actually I was about to slap you across the face and tell you to be nice to me in school or i'll tell everyone about your little weekend play date." I said staying where I was to appear more confident, in reality if my knees hadn't already fell from under me they would now.

"You think I care." He said sitting up tilting my chin up towards him.

" should." I said now having a mini freak out with my heart beating so fast and I didn't know why.

"And whys should I?"

Jeez Park Jimin why do you have to make such a simple thing so hard, just accept it, be nice and move on.

"Because it can get you in trouble." That works as a response because it can.

"Do you really think getting in trouble bothers me kitten." He whispered back making a shiver run down my spine.

"Well it should, I don't know what your taught in schools over here but back home you really shouldn't be doing stuff like that."

"There's worse things I can do, and I think you know that."

Huh what?


What worse can he do, him going out and sleeping with a random person pissed me off and I don't think anything else can piss me off more than that even though I know it shouldn't have.

"Like what?" I may as well find out, i'm curious now.

The entire look on his face changed, his sleepy looking face changed almost instantly pulling the same face as he did on the first day of school.

"You really shouldn't keep asking questions kitten, now be a good girl and leave before I can't stop myself." He said placing his head on mine.

My hearts literally beating out of my chest, I think if i bothered to check you would definitely be able to see it.

He drives me insane.

"Why should I leave? my whole plans for the day were spoiled having to come pick you up and then you passed out on the couch so I couldn't even watch TV." I protested.

He sighed before lifting me off the floor effortlessly placing me on his knees, rapping my arms around his neck.

What's he doing?

"What are you-"

His lips pressed into mine out of no where, well not out of no where but I didn't expect it.

It was brief before he pulled away and said "That was Lesson 2 for the first question and this is lesson 3 for the other."


He went in for another kiss and me being an idiot didn't refuse him.

I could feel his pouty lips kissing mine making mine kiss back.

It was almost like a spell he had over me, our mouths intertwined dancing back and fourth.

I could feel all the blood rushing to my face as the kiss got deeper.

I'd never been kissed before and I never thought my first kiss would be with my teacher let alone my brother.

It felt like something I'd never experienced before but I was running out of air.

I pulled away to try and escape his kiss but found myself leaning back in after taking a breath of air.

I could feel a smirk on his lips making me roll my eyes and pull away not going back.

"What the hell Jimin." I stated getting up off of him as he sat there smiling.

"Consider that my apology for ruining your day, and consider it your lesson for asking to many questions." He said standing up and stretching.

"I think i'm going to go to bed, feel free to join me." He said before winking and leaving the room

The moment he left my line of vision my knees fell from under me leaving me on the floor, silent.

What just happened and why did I like it?





Forbidden Love: What's the worst that can happen? - Jimin x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang