Part 22: The party

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Y/N P.O.V:

Jungkook I'm going to kill you.

Not only do you get me to agree to go to a party you know I don't want to go to but then you make me dress up for it having Tae raid my closet.

I remember Tae saying I had to look good but not too good so that people wouldn't hit on me which I appreciated because I don't get like people when their drunk let alone the rest of the time.

Tae also gave me another speech to make sure that everything would go okay and their would be no trouble before going off to work.

Why did I have to agree to this?

*Buzz Buzz*

Jungkook? He isn't supposed to be here yet.

"Hello?" I said confused.

"Hey Y/N I'm going to the shop now with my dad to get some drinks for the hosts as a thanks kind of thing but I don't know what to get, any ideas?"

"Strong alcohol percentage or cheap, it's up to you really." I said sighing at the thought of being in the same house as loads of drunk teens.

"Ugh I regret this so much now." He said clearly sounding distressed.

"Then let's ditch." It's not really that hard.

"No, no. We can do this. Optimism." He said before I could here a slapping sound.

"Did you just hit your own cheeks?" I said giggling at the image of him doing it to snap him self out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, wait. How did you know?" He asked sounding amazing.

"So cute, I gotta get ready so I'll see you later." I said hanging up on him.

Okay, one thing about tonight will be good and that's spending time with kook.

The rest of it I'm just gonna ignore.

I know the people in my class but I don't really talk to them, classes haven't been going on long either making things more awkward.

But what's agreed to is agreed to and what's done is done.

My hair is already straightened, make up on which is pretty natural other than the false eyelashes and red lipstick, stripy black and white shirt tucked into red pants are on and last but not least my red converse.

I would've looked more classy with heels but that isn't really the look I was going for today and I'm only dressed to the extent I am so I don't stand out and so I can get some
Pics with kook.

I'm pretty much ready to go all I need to do is but my phone, power pack, some money and keys in my bag and I'm ready to go.

*beep beep*

And that would be kook in the car ready to go.

I left the house and got in the car met by jungkook who had two twelve packs of beer in the back seat of his car.

No one was downstairs as I was walking out so I just yelled I'm going and left.

"Heyyy~" I said trying to sound as sarcastically happy as I could.

"Heyyyyyyy~" He said back in the same way holding the hey longer.

"Do we really have to do this?" I said in a final attempt to try and get out of it.

"We may as well I mean look at us, it would be selfish not to let them see us looking this good." He said playfully like a child.

"Koooooook I wanna go home already." I said before bursting out laughing.

It was about a 10 minute drive from my house going slow so probably about a 20 minute walk if I needed to leave and couldn't get in a car.

The music was playing so loud we could hear it on the car driving up the street.

The closer we got the more we could see.

Girls wearing clothes they'd wear to the club and boys dancing like idiots.

I got lucky dressing like this, even though I look underdressed compared to them it's better than how I would've looked otherwise.

I wonder if this is what it's like when Jimin goes to the club?

Nope, I'm not thinking about Jimin right now.

We haven't really spoken since last Sunday but we have had the occasional glance in class and run ins at home when the others were around.

Maybe this will be a good way to forget about Jimin even if it's just for a night.

"You ready to go in?" Look said clearly intimidated by the sights in front of him.

"30 mins max." I said turning back to him worried.

"No separating from each other." He said back building a plan.


We got out of the car and where greeted by those boys from the other day, the guy who got dumped and his friend, Haru and Taylor.

Wow their both cute up close.

"Hey, we're glad you guys could make it." Haru said smiling.

"Do you guys want a tour around?" Taylor asked straight after.

"Sure, these are for you guys." Look said handing them the beer.

This is awkward for me but it's not for long I hope.

****** 50 minute later ******

Okay so let me get this clear.

Me and Jungkook showed up, met up with Haru and Taylor, got separated like we weren't supposed to and then we didn't leave after the max time because kook started drinking too so he can't drive.

I didn't expect him not to drink but I also didn't expect him to want to stay after having a drink.

"You okay there princess." A voice said from next to me in a concerned voice.

Huh? Oh it's Haru.

"Yep." I said being awkward clearly not wanting to be here.

"You came here just because Jungkook wanted to come didn't you? That's cool of you, my ex would've never done anything like that for me." He said leaning back against the wall fully.

"Yeh kook asked me and because I'm his friend I felt like I had too also that isn't cool for your ex to do." I said looking back up to him seeing the distant look on his face.

I think my heart just broke for him.

"I can't blame her for it, her life was more wild than mine, she'd go out every weekend for the all weekend then would go to school the next day looking perfect still keeping on top of her learning and other plans. She didn't have the time to do stuff that I like doing." He said looking down at me slightly trying not to make eye contact.

That must've been hard on him.

"How long were you with her for?" I caught my self asking.

"8 months, the most stressful 8 months of my life. I guess I have Mr Park to thank for that phase ending." He said sounding half honest and half bitter.

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