Part 18: Him and I

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Y/N P.O.V:

I pulled him in with any hesitation in my mind left behind.

We moved away from the table some how ending up on the couch in the living room.

He gently placed me on the couch kissing my lips first before slowly trailing off too my neck.

I could feel all the heat rushing to my face again, just as it started to fade away, causing me to cover my face with both hands.

"You're doing great kitten." He said before gently kissing my head before kissing my lips again.

When I first met Jimin I automatically assumed he was a straight up jerk but I guess he has his own way of caring, like he doesn't show it like a normal person would but it's there - like that kiss on my head just now.

My hearts beating so fast that i'm scared that he will be able to hear it.

I don't want him to find out he has this affect on me even though it's obvious, this is okay for now but if he finds out I know I'll want more than just a few sweet kisses...

I'm scared of wanting more, wanting to be with him...

Where my feelings towards him all along me trying to protect myself from my feelings?

It's not like my feelings towards him have change but more like I realise them now, never being able to put my finger on what they were.

He's still the same jerk who would go out of his way to tease me but he's not just that, something in him makes him act a certain way like Friday night resulting in yesterday morning, there's also a part of him that care and I feel like he's trying to hide that even though it's fine.


What's going on in that head of yours?

Is that the change you were saying you wanted to work towards?

You make me so curious and all I want is answers but I know you won't just give them to me.

But there is one question which I might be able to get the answer too, which I deserve the answer too.

"Why me?" I asked in a weak voice from my lack of breath.

"Huh?" He said looking down at me clearly confused by what I just asked.

"Who's being stupid now, your getting used to the blond quickly." I said giggling up at him.

His face turned to a frown now looking up to think and try too figure out what I meant by what I asked.

"Probably because I'm a fool who can't help but drag people I care about into my problems." He said before kissing my head and hugging me from the edge of the couch, which he flipped on to, answering the question but not really.

I can live with it though, live with this, it's not the end of the world for us to be like this and it's not like I need an answer to my question...

It's nice to just be here with him.

Just him and I.

Forbidden Love: What's the worst that can happen? - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now