Part 27: Cold

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Y/N P.O.V:

It had been over two weeks now since Jimin started ignoring me.

I have no clue why.

Is it some sort of punishment for going to that party?

Does he just not like me as a person?

My mum and step dad came back from their honey moon and set off immediately for another trip the next morning for their work being gone this time for a unknown amount of time making it impossible to ask them to find out why.

I've already asked Jin and Taehyung but they played dumb and as for Yoongi I didn't want to ask him because he was so happy from getting into a relationship with this guy called Hoseok who was very handsome and seemed like the personification of a sunshine.

Yoongi met this guy on his last trip here but he knew him from online and they ended up getting together unofficially a while ago but they made it official not to long ago leaving Yoongi in the 'honeymoon' stage which was cute to see him so happy.

I wonder if me and Jimin could've ever been like that...

Like them...

Happy together without any big issues surrounding it...

I doubt it though with how... cold? Yes cold he's been with me.

Everything he showed him self as turned to ice with any shimmers of the light I felt when he'd kiss me frozen in time, now just a memory.

I don't understand what I did to deserve this but it happened and it hurts, and I don't know why.

Lol maybe- I'm just gonna ignore I thought the actual word lol instead of laughing again- maybe his hair going blond turned him into Elsa, freezing his heart and turning him into a Disney princess.

Even though he looks more like a prince;who wouldn't fall for him with his princely appearance and traits like his intelligence and passion, naming only a few.

Yep definitely a Prince because he's such a babe, when he's not ignoring me that is.

I wish life could just be like a fairy tale and we can skip to a happy ending where we can be together...

I'm sorry Jimin if I'm the reason your being like this, unless this is the real you... then I'm sorry for not realising sooner...

Forbidden Love: What's the worst that can happen? - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now