Twenty- seven: Official

Start from the beginning

Once Kennedy had left the office yesterday leaving my and Harry flustered, he admitted that he wasn't sure about me and that I seemed like someone who he didn't want to be involved with and that I was too nosey for my own good, but soon grew feelings for me when we met at college a few days after, that's why he asked to sit with us at lunch so that we could get closer to each other but me at the time wanted nothing to do with him.

I admitted to him that he was a dick when we first met and when we were at college but my opinion soon changed each time I seen him, he really redeemed himself throughout the past few weeks. I knew that there was still so much I needed to find out about Harry, he already knew most about me and my past yet I hadn't been told anything about him aside from the fact of him being the leader or Caged.

I slapped my cheeks a few times to see if I could reduce the smile on my face but it didn't budge it wouldn't move away from my face, it was just a lot to process. I was glad I had the day off work today since I just wanted the day to myself to catch up on my TV programs, go food shopping and just lie on the couch like a slob.

Once I had decided that I should get out of bed I went to my wardrobe and picked out a comfy outfit for the day which was a knitted jumper and a pair of leggings, I chucked my hair up into a high pony tail and wrapped a bandana around my head, the weather was still cold so I thought it would be best to wear my boots and my coat.

I made my way to the grocery store in record time which meant I had longer to relax at home, when I reached the lobby at the apartment complex I walked over to the elevator only to find out that it was out of order, huffing I picked my bags up off of the floor and made my way over to the stairwell to suffer through the steep stairs.

When I eventually made it up to my floor trying to catch my breath and made my way over to my door and as I was trying to get my keys out of my coat pocket the handle of my shopping bag snapped and cause all of my groceries to fall out onto the floor, I let out a groan of annoyance and leaned my head against the door.

"Could this day get any fucking worse?"

"Need a hand?" I instantly smiled at the voice, my forehead still leant against the door.

"Yes please."

I huffed pushing myself off of the door and rummaging through my bag to finally retrieve my keys and slotted them into the lock, once the door was open I picked up the unsnapped bag from by my feet and brought that in to the apartment, I placed the shopping onto the island in the kitchen with Harry closely behind me with the spilled shopping clutched in his chest to prevent it from falling out of his grasp. He walked over to where I was and placed the shopping onto the island as I was packing away the rest of it.

"Thanks for this Harry."

"Do you really think I would want to see my girlfriend struggle?" My heart fluttered at Harry's statement it still hadn't fully sunk in that we were together so each word regarding to me being as being Harry's girlfriend made all of my emotions run wild.

"Yeah I guess" I blushed

"Aw look at you Avie getting all shy around me."

"Seriously stop."

He held his hands up in defence as he continued to unpack my shopping, I had realised that he was nearing the bottom of my bag and I was quick enough to grab the bag out of Harry's hand and rushed into the bedroom

"Hey! What's your problem?" Harry shouted as I ran into the bathroom, I quickly shoved my lady products underneath the sink. Once they were in the cupboard I made my way back into the kitchen, Harry leaning against the island scrolling through his phone.

"Sorry about that."

"Its fine, what was that about?

"Just stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" C'mon Harry you're making this hard on me now please stop talking.

"Just different kinds of stuff"

"Stuff to help you go with the flow perhaps?" What a dick, he knew all along, he was just trying to embarrass me now. I didn't answer him just stood and glared at him with my arms closed.

"Oh I see are the painters in?" I've had enough of your games Styles

"Ok yes I'm on my period will you shut up now please." I buried my head into my hands to hide the blush that had crept upon my cheeks and groaned into my hands, he just had to bring it up in that context didn't he

"Aw babe don't be embarrassed in front of me."

"How can I possibly not be embarrassed by sharing that with you, you could have just left it and not said a word but you had to bring it up?"

Harry walked around the island to where I was standing and brought his arms around my waist and placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head as I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Thanks again for helping out today."

"It's not a problem, it's the least I could do anyways." I smiled up at Harry and he placed a kiss on my lips.

"Do you want to stay for a while?" I asked Harry

"Yeah sure."

I detached from Harry and placed my hand in his as I dragged him over to the couch, he sat down first and I sat down in the seat next to him.

"What do you want to watch?" I looked over at Harry

"Anything, it's your choice."

I sighed at Harry being indecisive I mean how hard is it to decide what you want to watch on telly, especially when his girlfriend is giving him the chance to watch anything, any boy would jump at the chance of being able to watch what they wanted, me being me I decided to put some episodes of Orange is the new black on that I had recorded previously.

"Great choice in show babe." Harry smiled and grabbed my ankles so that my legs lay across his, that's how we sat for the rest of the day, the pair of us lounging on my couch pissing ourselves laughing at certain parts of the TV show.

I didnt get the 10 votes I wanted :( but I just couldnt bring myself to not update so fuck it. I really appreciate the reads i have currently I just wish you would all interact more with me :(

Enjoy the chapter





Jade x

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