"You have a great voice Kylie!" he said, sounding surprised. I couldn't see if he looked surprised of course- stupid blindfold.

"Thanks." I said, smiling. It was quiet in the car for a moment, and then...

"Now she want a photo. You already know though, you only live once: that's the motto YOLO. We bout it erry day, erry day, erry day. Like we sittin' on the bench,  we don't really play. Every day, erry day, fuck what anybody say, can't seem em cause the money in the way." We belted out, rapping along with Drake.

"We're almost here!" Harry said brightly.

"Where?" I said, trying to trick him.

"The a- HEY!" he shouted. "Cheater!"

"Crap!" I said, hitting what I think was the dashboard and singing along to another song.

"We're here!"

"Can I take this damn thing off?" I said.

"Hold on." Harry walked around and opened my door, helping me get out of the car. He untied the purple blindfold, so I was no longer as blind as a bat.

"Yay!" I gasped. We were at one of my favorite places in the world. The aquarium!

*Harry's POV*

"The aquarium!" Kylie said, bouncing up and down.

I chuckled. "Yes, babe. The aquarium."

"I love it!"

"I know." I slung my arm around her waist, and we walked to the front.

"We're closed, sir." A gruff voice said from behind the ticket counter, not looking up his stand. 

"Um, hi," I said nervously. I hated waiting to be recognized. He looked up and his face changed.

"Mr. Styles! Right this way!" he ushered me inside. I grinned at him, nodding my head.

"You rented out the whole entire place?" Kylie asked, her eyes wide. "How?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles," I joked, pulling her close and kissing her, "No, one of our manager's wives works here and hooked it up."

Half an hour later, we were still on the first floor of the 3 story aquarium. We saw turtles, and fish, and sharks, and pretty much everything. Kylie loved the ocean so much, and I knew (okay, the boys helped) that this was the perfect date.

"Thank you so, so much!" Kylie yelled, throwing her arms around me on the escalator. I grinned, hugging her tightly. She was going to thank me even more in a minute. On the second floor, there was a room totally surrounded on three sides- practically a box with a wall for a door- by glass, and fish swimming in it. In that room, there was a single table. We were going to be eating, surrounded my sea creatures. It was pretty cool, if I say so myself. The aquarium only set it up like this every so often - usually, it was completely empty for visitors.

"Harry!" someone snapped in front of my face and I looked up, no longer daydreaming. Kylie's big, dark brown eyes were adorably impatient. She grabbed my wrist and tugged me to the AquaBox. It was all she had been talking about on the way upstairs, how she was excited to feel like she was actually underwater with them. She stepped in, taking in the aquatic life- and then she saw the table.

"We're eating dinner in here." I said smiling at her. I kissed her forehead as she bounced around the room, pressing her face on the glass and screeching when a shark came to investigate her. She could be mature and serious, but she could be so childlike too sometimes. It was something I loved about her. Actually, the only thing I didn't like was how naive she was sometimes. Like how she couldn't see that Zayn was so obviously in love with her.

We had a great dinner of chicken breasts over rice, covered in a cheesy mushroom sauce. It was delicious, I wish I was able to cook so I could make it. Two hours later, Kylie was lying on the bench next to the otters, watching them. It was our last exhibit at the aquarium, and then we were going home. It was almost 10:30 at night, and Kylie had to get up early-ish tomorrow morning. Well, 10 AM is early to her. She had a doctor's appointment. I was standing, watching the playful otters from above.

"It's time to go." Kylie said, frowning at me. We had to be out of the aquarium by 11, and it was going on 10:45, after our relaxing sit by the frolicking otters. We walked downstairs, hand in hand.

"This was the best date ever. Thank you so much!" She said, when we were in the car.

"Of course, Ky." I grinned, driving back home. We stepped inside the house, and it was dead silent. Liam had a date with Danielle, Louis with Eleanor, and Niall with a new girl he met through his friend, Sydney. Zayn had gone off to see a movie with one of his old friends from high school who was stopping in London for a bit. I believe the guy's name was Matthew, or something like that.

"Movie?" she said, holding up Water for Elephants. I nodded and we sat down on the couch. She laid her head on my lap and instantly, we were transfixed by the movie. I loved this movie, it made me imagine what it was like to be a circus worker in the early 1900's. And Rosie the elephant was awesome. After seeing this with the boys a while ago, I asked for an elephant but apparently, we're not allowed to have one in the flat. What a dumb rule. When August was beating Rosie, I flinched. I looked down and Kylie was crying lightly. I wiped a tear from under her eye with my thumb, and kissed her forehead.

The movie ended and Kylie sat up. She scooted next to me and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She looked at me and leaned in. Within a minute, we were snogging. She was laying on top of me on the couch. My shirt was off and hers was getting there.

"Get a room!" an Irish accent called, and Kylie rolled off the couch, startled. She pulled her shirt down and sat next to me.

"Nobody was home." I snapped, annoyed that somebody interrupts us every time.

"How was your date?" Kylie asked Niall, shooting a glare at me but then pouting playfully. She was disappointed too, it seemed.

"Great!" he grinned. "Sydney's awesome. She's pretty and funny and isn't just a girl that goes along with what everyone else wants. She doesn't put up with my shit and I like it."

"Good." She smiled, and then yawned. "I'm going to sleep. See you guys tomorrow. Thanks again Hazza." She kissed me lightly on the lips, and then departed upstairs. I leaned back, smiling hugely. Maybe I can pull this off and make her love me back before she realizes what she really feels for Zayn is more than normal friendship.

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