Son of a King pt.2 (New chapter)

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" I am not a King of all people. I am King of Wakanda. It is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that our vibranium does not fall into the hands of someone like you ", he retorted.

" Son, we have entertained this free loader long enough. He's worn out his welcome. It is bad enough that he has seen Wakanda. Lock him away and reject his request at once ! ", Romanda stood in anger from her seat.

" Oh I ain't requesting nothing, ask who I am ", Erik dares the elders.

" You are Erik Stevens, an American black operative. A mercenary nick named Killmonger ", Shuri called from the back of the room.

" That's not my name Princess. Go on, ask me who I am king ? ", Erik turns back to T'Challa and smirks.

" No ", T'Challa refuses.

" Ask me ", Erik pushes.

" Take him away ", T'Challa demands. Just as the male soldiers went to retrieve him one of the elders speaks up overriding T's request.

" Ungubani ?! ", yells an elder.

( Who are you ?! )

" Ndinguyejadaka!! unyana ka N'Jobu ! ", he roars.

( I am n'jadaka ! Son of Prince N'Jobu ! )

Gasps fill the entire throne room, including mine. A silence falls over the throne room. One of the elders speaks up.

" unyana ka n'jobu ? ", asks one of the elders .

( son of n'jobu ? )

" I found my daddy with panther claws in his chest. You ain't no son of a king you're just the son of a murderer ! ", he yelled.

" You're lying ! ", Romanda screeched.

" I am afraid not Queen mother ", W'Kabi holds up a necklace for everyone to see. It was identical to T's. His father gave it to him when he was young.

" Inzala ka-Ewejobu " says an elder.
( descendant of N'Jobu ? )

Romanda looks at him with a panicked face.

" Hey auntie ", he grins at her.

" All this time you've all been completely blind to what I was doing. I learned everything I needed to know and I enjoyed my stay. I came back with some heat too. T led me right to his demise. I'm exercising my birth right to challenge for the mantles of King AND black panther ", he spat.

" Please don't my love ", I beg him frantically. He turns to me before looking back at Erik.

" As the son of N'Jobu he is within his rights ", Says the boarder tribe elder.

" He has no rights here ", Romanda scoffs.

" The challenge would take weeks to prepare ", Says a river tribe elder.

" Weeks ? I don't need weeks. The whole country ain't gotta be there...I just need HIM. And somebody to get me out these chains ", he held his wrists up.

" T'Challa ", Romanda warned.

" I accept your challenge...Erik ", says T. My heart drops to my stomach as the soldiers take Erik out of his cuffs.

" To the death ", Erik chided.

" The only way. Escort him to his quarters ", T instructs his male soldiers. Erik leaves the room and the throne room erupts into protests. I watch as Shuri and Romanda beg T not to go through with this. I already saw the determination in his eyes. He had every intention on doing this and I was carrying his child. I felt myself tear up as I quietly wiped my tears away with the back of my sleeve.

" Silence ! ", he holds his hands up. Everyone in the room paused their complaints.

" Leave us ", He instructs the room. One by one everyone exits the throne room and he stands in front of me. I sniffle, looking away from him. He places his finger under my chin and pulls my face towards him.

" Entle. You must understand this is tradition. I can't get out of this. We share blood. He's just as entitled to this throne as I am ", T'Challa explains.

" Why can't you just reject it ? ", I cry.

" It isn't that simple. His birth right is to the throne as well. Since he was never around to battle it out, I never got the chance to yield. Now that's he's technically an outsider wanting my position I can't deny him especially with his status. I can always yield but he doesn't have to listen ", he further explains.

" He won't listen T'Challa. Don't you know that ? He wants to KILL you ! ", I hiccuped. He wiped my tears.

" I won't lose ", he promised.

" There's no way to know that ", I cried harder.

" Mnandi...please ", he begged.

After a few minutes of him watching me cry I confessed.

" T'Challa I'm pregnant ", I hiccuped, looking at him through swollen eyes. He froze.

" Pr-pre ", he stutter.

" I'm 6 weeks pregnant and no where near high risk. I'm going to have this baby ", I groaned. He grabbed my face in surprise before smashing his lips on mine.

" I promise you. I promise you I will not lose you. I will not lose this baby. I promise you I will not lose this opportunity. Everything is going to be fine. You are pregnant with my child. I can never lose. It all makes sense now. I've been acting this way because you've been with child. Now I know... ", he assures me.

Before I can respond I feel his teeth on the side of my neck.

End of chapter 36.

End of chapter 36

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The Black Panther (Discontinued) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα