Chapter 41

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14 shall go south to face the devil

In this war 13 prevail

But one will be destined to fail

The loyal one will be to stay

The camp left in disarray

One will fall to a traitor

And the war will be won sooner or later

Peter goes looking for Percy with Thalia and Nico.

"I'm not saying anything's wrong. I am just saying that he should have been back now." Thalia says.

"But you are not helping with my anxiety." Peter says.

"So let me get this strait. You are Percy's twin that does not look like a son of Poseidon and asked us to help you find him because he wasn't answering you through your twin link." Thalia says.

"Yes." Peter says.

"So how the hell are you Percy's twin if you aren't a son of Poseidon?" Thalia asks.

"Oh so he didn't tell you... Poseidon is Percy's adopted dad. Our godly parent is someone else." Peter says.

"So..." Thalia starts but both Peter and Nico cut her off.

"Someone has died and someone is close to death." Nico says.

At the same time Peter says, "I spell blood. A lot of blood."

All three of them look at each other and run.

They come to the worst sight they could imagine.

Annabeth with a dager through her heart and Percy propped up on a tree.

Thalia snarls and starts forward at Percy. Peter holds her back while Nico tries to explain.

"Thalia the way the dager is protruding her heart is not a way Percy could of done. The only way to get it in like that is if she killed herself." Nico says.

Thalia looks at Percy and then Annabeth and then she relaxes.

"I want to know what exactly happened." Thalia says.

"Well how about we ask him?" Nico asks.

Percy? Peter asks.

"Can't you just guess I don't trust him right now." Thalia asks.


"She was probably talking to him and then she killed herself." Nico says.


Peter steps forward getting really worried.

"I can't believe that. I just can't. I have known her for too long. She wouldn't do that."


Peter stands in front of him.

"People change Thalia. Shit happens." Nico says.


Peter pushes on Percy's shoulder. Percy falls forward and Peter catches him. Peter feels something sticky and pulls his hand back. Blood coats his hand and Peter gasps. Peter listens for a heart beat.


"Guys get over here!" Peter says.


"Why should we we are talking." Thalia says.


"Nico help me!" Peter says.


Nico runs over to help.


Nico helps support Percy.


Thalia turns around.


"We have to get back to camp!" Thalia shouts.


Percy is lifted by the three and they start moving.


"Hang in there Perce."


"Kelp head!"


"Jackson you are not dieing on me!"


"What happened?"


"He is bleeding and we have no idea."


"Get him on the sleeping bag."

Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump

"Perseus Jackson you are not dieing on us. You will live for all of us. I can't live without you!"


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