Chapter 37

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Hello so... how do you like the prophesy? I am going to put it on every chapter just in case you want to guess what it means.

14 shall go south to face the devil

In this war 13 prevail

But one will be destined to fail

The loyal one will be to stay

The camp left in disseray

One will fall to a traitor

And the war will be one sooner or later

Percy was sitting near the edge of the lake looking out at it. It was around midnight but Percy couldn't sleep.

He was going to be in another war. Hadn't he had enough?

This prophesy really bugged him though. He had an idea why but he just didn't want to think about it.

Percy slid his legs in the lake then fully submerged himself into the water. Even tough he was only the adopted son of Poseidon he still thought better when he was underwater.

He was just sitting at the bottom looking around.


What's up Pete?

Where are you?

At the bottom of the lake. Why do you ask?

Well the Avengers and I woke up and I couldn't find you anywhere. I was getting worried. It is time for breakfast.

K. Thanks Pete.

Percy hauls himself out of the water and walks towards the dinning pavilion. He sits down at the table and is supprised to see Nico and Thalia sitting with them.

"So Percy... who were you planning on taking with you?" Nico asks.

"Well... I am thinking about taking Peter, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Thor, Loki, Tony, Veronica, Sandra, and Hunter. I have no idea about the other two." Percy says thoughtfully.

He looks around camp. "I really don't see any others. I mean most people here hate my guts and will not help me." Percy looks back at Thalia and Nico. "It would be nice if you two would come with."

Thalia and Nico both nod their heads in agreement. Percy smiles. "Okay we leave tomarrow. You are going to want to sleep well." Percy says.

Everyone nods and goes to their cabins. They all fall fast asleep. And for once... there are no nightmares.

Okay If you didn't pick it up the people that are going on the quest are the following:















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