Chapter 20

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Natasha is pissed.

And not for just one reason.

First she comes back from her mission to find that everyone is gone. Then she gets a call from Bruce telling her to get a stretcher ready. She waits and then the group comes out with two unknown boys. One of them is really beat up. And now the other one is pacing back and forth in the hallway.

Peter just couldn't sit down. Percy was really close to death when they took him. Was he going to make it?

"Will you just sit down or get out?" Natasha hissed.

Peter took this as a warning and walked out of the hallway.

The rest over the Avengers looked at her. "What?"

"He was just worried for his brother Nat..." Steve says.

"They're brothers?"

"They're twins..."

Peter walked down the hall. He pulled out his phone. James had taken both Peter's and Percy's phones. James had given it back to him once he had landed.

Peter scrolled through his contact list. There were three people he needed to talk to but he wasn't sure which one to talk to first.

He finally desided and he called his Aunt.

"Hello? Peter?"

"Hey Aunt May."

"Peter where are you? Where have you been?"

"I am at the Avengers tower currently and have been here the whole time. My boss wouldn't let me leave until he was certain I had seen everything. I will be home soon."

"Okay... why didn't you pick up your phone?"

"We had to have our phones off during the tour. See you soon Aunt May."

"Bye Peter."

Peter hung up. He always hated lying to his Aunt. He looked through his contacts and desided to call Sally next.

"Peter?! Is Percy there with you?!"

"Yes Sally. But..."

"But what Peter?"

"Well on Friday he got himself into a fight with Flash..."

"Well I expected that... but what else happened Peter?"

"We both got kidnapped. As ourselves. This had nothing to do with our nighttime activities."


"I got smart mouthed and they hurt Percy."


"Percy is in the infermery at Avengers tower..."

"But what's the catch Peter?"

"We aren't sure he will make it..."

"Oh my pour baby..." Sobbing could be herd from the other end.

"I will call you back when I get more information okay?"


"Bye Sally."

"Bye Peter."

Peter hung up and called Jack.

"Peter where the hell were you? No even better where the hell are you?"

"We were kidnapped. But not because of nighttime activities."

"So is everything alright?"

"Yep... no problem."

"Peter you know that I can tell that you are lying right? Now what is wrong."

"We are in the Avengers tower. Percy got injured really badly and we don't know if he is going to make it."

"Oh... well I will see if I can do anything. Call me if anything happens okay?"

"Okay. Bye Jack."

"Bye Peter."

Peter hangs up the phone and walks back into the hallway and sits down. They all wait. And wait. And wait. Until Bruce comes out.

"He is stable." Bruce says. Everyone else sighs in relief. But Peter knows something is still up.

"But?" Peter asks.

Bruce sighs and shakes his head. "He is in a coma... there is no telling when... or if... he will wake up..."

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