Chapter 23

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Peter walks back to the tower and hops back into the elevator. It opens at the common room floor. Peter steps out and walks to the living room. There he finds Steve, Clint, and Natasha on the couch watching a movie.

"What are you watching?" Peter asks. He smirks as the soldier and the two assassins jump. All three turn around and glare at him.

"When did you get here?" Clint asks.

"About three minutes ago. What movie are you watching?" Peter asks again.

"The Witch of Blackbird Pond. It is about a girl from Barrbados sails to her Aunt in Connecticut after her grandfather died. Her Aunt, Uncle, and cousins are Puritans. She meets the woman who lives in Blackbird Pond. She is called a witch but she is only a Quaker." Nat says.

"Oh this is the movie... I have read the book before... it was pretty good." Peter says before sitting down.

They all watch the movie until it is over.

"Anyone got any ideas for the next movie?" Clint asks.

"How about Lost Boys?" Peter says.

"We've never seen that before." Steve, Clint, and Natasha say in unison. 

Peter's jaw drops. "You... you how never seen... you are watching it."

"What about you?" Steve asks.

"I have to check on the science bros and then I have to go home." Peter says while putting the movie in.

Steve nods and looks at the TV. Peter takes that a sign that he can leave. He walks down to the lab and looks for Bruce and Tony. He sees Tony and walks over.

"Any change?" Peter asks.

Tony looks up at him and shakes his head. Peter sighs. "I am going home then." Tony nods and Peter leaves the tower.

Peter heads home and opens the door. "Aunt May I'm home!"

"Peter come in here after setting your things down." May says from the living room.

Peter sets his things down wondering what is wrong. He walks into the living room.

"Your uncle and I had been talking about this before he had died. We both thought it was the best option. We just hadn't been able to do it." May said.

Peter gasped. Laying down on the floor in front of May's feet was a dog. A German shepherd to be precise.

"Do you like him?" May asks getting nervous. What if he didn't like him?

"I love him Aunt May. Thank you." Peter says. "Have you named him yet?"

"No I left that up to you dear." Aunt Mays says smiling.

"I think I will call you... Indigo." Peter says.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful dog." May says. "I put all of the stuff for the dog away. But there are some rules. He will have no human food. You will be taking him everywhere except school. And he sleeps in your room."

"Okay Aunt May." Peter says.

"Now you both better get to bed. You both need to get up early for work tomarrow." May says.

Peter nods and Indigo and Peter walk up the stairs and into Peter's room. Peter gets in bed and Indigo lays next to it.

And for the first time in along time Peter didn't have any nightmares and he wasn't thinking about Percy.

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