Chapter 6

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School was out and it was time that Percy went to his fight with Flash. He was pumping himself up for it all day.

He walks out to the place at exactly 3:00. Ten minutes later Flash shows up.

"You know, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you don't show up on time?" Percy asks.

"I was planning on going easy on you Jackson. Now there is no holding back." Flash says.

Flash swings and hits Percy in the jaw.

Percy stumbles and then gets back up and hits Flash in the nose. There was a significant crack as Flash's nose broke.

They then go back and forth fist fighting and both boy's nuckles are cracked and bleeding.

Flash hits Percy in the eye. He will have a black eye later.

They both land on the ground and stay there. Percy was picked up later by Peter.

"Lets go to the tower for the internship. I have no idea what they say." Peter picks up Percy and drags him to the tower.

They boys get in the elevator and ride up to the tower. Percy's nuckles are still bleeding and his black eye is forming. The bruise underneath his jaw is forming to.

They get off the elevator and Tony imidiatly asks, "What happened to you?"

"Got in a fight." Percy says.

Steve, Bruce, and Clint all look up and Bruce says,"How about we get you an ice pack and you can tell us what happened."

Bruce got him the ice pack and the whole group sat down. "Well there was this kid that was pressuring Pete for doing his home work. Jack, one of our friends defended him after he walked away."

"Oh god that idiot." Peter says.

"Well the idiot got himself picked up by the shirt by this guy and I defended him." Percy continued.

"Correction you are now the idiot." Peter interrupts again.

"You have no way to talk. I'm not the one who got this same guy mad and ended up head first in the trash can. Jack and I spent 10 minutes getting you out of it." Percy said as Peter blushed a deep shade or red. "Anyway when I defended Jack I made the kid even more mad. Then he challenged me to a fight. That's pretty much it. Scouts honer."

"Scouts honer? You are not in scouts." Peter says.

"Our scouts."

"What are we the loser scouts? You are the most popular of our group because you are on the swim team. Even then you get slushied." Peter says.

"That happened once." Percy says.

"Sence we have come back from break. And it has only been a week!" Peter says back.

"Okay I see your point." Percy says.

"I don't mean to burst your bubble but who are you taking about?" Bruce asks.

"Flash Thompson." Percy and Peter say at the same time.

"Okay you can go." Tony says.

Both boys nod and leave. After they leave Tony looks up at the ceiling and says,"J look up everything you can on Flash Thompson."

-----------------line break----------------

Peter and Percy walk out of the tower and towards Jack's house.

They were walking down Church street when Percy gets a bad fealing all of a sudden.

Percy turns around to talk to Peter when a bag is forced over his head.

Percy is nocked out and thrown in a van next to Peter. The van back doors close and the man comes out.

"Sur we got the targets... no, no one saw us... all I have to do is get rid of Spiderman and OwlWave... yes... you want me to do what... okay... yes sur..." He hangs up.

"Good luck boys you are going to meet the boss."

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