Chapter 32

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I am so so so so sorry. I had planned to do this yesterday but I didn't get the chance to until now.

I have had a busy weekend.

And I have been thinking about a lot of things.

I am start high school next year.

Also I will be starting drivers ed.

*sigh* Why does this all have to happen at once?

Oh and if you read The Avengers, the scilent girl, and Percy Jackson I will be make a sequel this summer.

Now I have been rambling for a while, too long, so on with the story.

Percy and Peter ride the elevator up to the common room floor. They both flop onto the couches sighing.

They look up when Jack comes running in smiling.

"I know who I am going to do... Mark Twain!" Jack says.

Peter growns. "You do know that Mark Twain was a poet."

"Fine than Anne Frank."

"Jew that wrote her life story in world war two." Percy said.

"Fine than James Watson and Francis Crick."

Peter sighs. "How about you do it on Rosalind Franklin?"

"Who now?" Jack asks.

"Rosalind Franklin was the first person to discover DNA. Because she was a woman, and in that time period nobody listened to women, she desided to have Watson and Crick tell the world about it. All she wanted was some credit but none was given to her." Percy explained.

"That is complete bull shit. A woman can do as much, if not more, than a man can. She should have gotten that credit." Jack says.

"Well, she did. Just not until after she died. That is when everyone else found out that it was her not Watson and Crick." Peter says.

"I am going to do my paper on her." Jack says jumping up. "See you guys after I get back!" Jack says running out of the room.

"Why do I feel like he is going to miss all the action?" Peter asks.

"Okay so it's just not me. I have that feeling too." Percy says.

They both nod to each other as the rest of the towers inhabitants walk in the room.

"Where is Jack going?" Loki asks.

"The early 1950's to talk to Rosalind Franklin to do a paper." Peter says.

"Who is..."

The elevator interrupts their conversation. Two figures step out. A boy and a girl. Both dressed in black.

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