Chapter 2

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Percy looks over at Peter and glares at him. "You know I don't like my full name. You guys can call me Percy." Percy says and turns towards the avengers that are currently in the tower.

Steve and Clint have dumbfounded looks on there faces. Bruce and Tony are looking at them and silently laughing.

"I am better with science than with tech, while for Peter, it is the other way around. We would of gotten here sooner but as you can see," Percy pauses to jester out the window,"We ran into a little problem that slowed us down." He finished.

"We really weren't expecting you to come at all today." Tony says.

"Well we're here aren't we?" Peter asks looking at Percy.

"I do believe we are Pete. If we weren't I would be home eating my mother's cookies." Percy answers.

Peter shakes his head,"You and your cookies."

"What? They are good!" Percy says defensively.

"Okay I have to admit they are good. Like a piece of heaven in your mouth." Peter has a look of pure bliss on his face. He shakes his head and continues. "So are you going to show us the lab?"

"Oh yeah..." Tony says as he drags Peter and Bruce to the elevator. "Come on Perce there is no time to lose."

Percy laughs and shakes his head following the group on the elevator.

The doors close and the elevator moves to a different floor.

Steve sits down at the table closely followed by Clint.

"Did you know about this?" Clint asks.

"No Clint I didn't know a thing." Steve says looking at the elevator and sighs while shaking his head. "They were supposed to eat lunch too."

----------------Line break----------------

The elevator stops right outside the hallway to the lab. The four boys step of and Peter and Percy look around.

They walk to one of the many doors to labs.

"Prepare to be amazed!" Tony says dramatically.

Bruce sighs. "I knew we shouldn't of let him watch that movie."

Percy grins at Peter and Peter returns it.

They open the doors and gap in shock.

Tony chuckles. "Welcome to lab 25!"

Sorry for the filler chapter.

Stark has a child?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें