Chapter 27

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I edited the last chapter because I relized that in the middle of the chapter I switched Peter and Percy.

Sally was worried. She had been like a mother to Percy and she had raised him. And now he was in a coma.

She hadn't slept much because there was something that she wanted to tell Percy. Needed to tell him.

Sally was in the kitchen making breakfast. Then someone nocked on the door. Sally left the food and went to open the door.

When she opened the door she gasped in supprise and hugged Percy to death. She finally let go and let the boys inside. The three of them sniffed the air.

"Sally is something burning?" Peter asks.

"Breakfast!" Sally yells as she runs into the kitchen. Indigo follows her in a short persute. Peter and Percy follow them in the kitchen.

They watch as Sally empties what they assume was breakfast and she starts over. "Did you boys eat yet?" She asks.

"No." They both say in unison.

"Okay I will make you some then." Sally says.

Sally cooks then puts the food on the table. The three sit down to eat while Indigo watches from the living room.

"So I heard you got into a fight." Sally says.

"Yeah... Flash was picking on Jack..." Percy says.

"You know that he can take care of himself." Sally says.

"But mom he can't use 'that' in public." Percy says.

"True... Did you at least get a few punches in?" Sally asks.

Peter snorts into his plate. Sally may seem that she is nice and kind but they often overlook the fact that she is very supportive. She even surprises both Peter and Percy sometimes.

Percy gives her a large grin. "I broke his nose and hurt his pride."

Sally grins at him and all of them burst out laughing.

"Hey mom where's Paul?"

"He had to go see his parents. I stayed behind to wait for you to wake up." Sally said.

"So mom what's up?" Percy asked while looking at his mother.

"Just thinking... hey don't you need to go to work?" Sally asks.

"We don't need to go in for a while. But we better get going we got a few things to do." Peter says.

The boys both finish their breakfast, put their plates in the sink and walked out the door.

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